
Do you hate Government intrusion in our lives yet want Government Health-Care and other Programs?

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I've never understood my more liberal friends who go on & on about government intrusion in our personal lives (and I agree 100%) yet are begging for Government Sponsored Health-Care, Welfare, Tax-Payer paid abortions etc.

It seems like such of an contradiction in view points!

I personally don't want government eyes or hands in my TV, Computer,

bedroom and I sure don't want Government in my doctors office...and ANY other area of my life...PERIOD!

NOT my medical Insurance, my car insurance, my life Insurance etc.

Please explain to me WHY are you sooo willing to fight on every privacy issue there is EXCEPT the most private of all issues...MYSELF & my Doctor?

Please no answers like: They promise they won't look at my personal records...(their track record is not to good)!

1950=22% had Health-Insurance




today 264 million are fully covered with 38-40 million uninsured, 30 million of those are here illegally:


CNN June 15th, 2008




  1. Smaller government and free enterprise is what this country was built on and that is the way it so remain. Just NO to Obama.

  2. I hate the Republicans because they have become no different than the Liberals.  Under Bush this country has spent money at astronomical rates and Government has expanded.   Lets go back to a Constitution based government.

  3. We have laws in place to protect our personal info from the gov. and any other co. out there especially insurance co. who won't give life insurance because of terminal and chronic diseases. Now Obama wants to give our info to the gov. which jeopardizes our families if the bread winner dies or is stricken with a serious illness. Why can't we fix our health care system that is in place now. Europe hates socialize medicine it takes days to see a m.d. because the people abuse the E.R. worse than they do already. Md's' will be put on a salary so they cannot make money and the  nurses everyone will make a certain salary and that is it. With the education involved in becoming a R.N. or D.R. their will be less health care workers than ever. It would be the equivalent of being a civil servant nothing wrong with that but they don't invest 200,000 dollars and more for education. If we want to stay ahead in health care we need to be out from under the Gov.McCain08' I'll give you example when I was in my 20's I moved to a U.S. territory as a civillian and worked in a U.S. gov. hospital the patients had to bring there own pillows and sheets because they never had enough supplies. Bandages were at a low equipment was from WWII even our scrubs. In order to imrove the situation the people needed fund raisers to better the situation. I came back to the U.S. and worked the V.A. system it was no better and in order to get a raise you were put on a step and grade system so it may take years to advance they pay M.D.'s and nurses poorly compared to the private sec. They paid the secretary's more than nurses they gave them big tittles like aministrative asst. it was a joke many nurses became secretary's so they would make more money because sect. could move up in grades higher than medical staff. Another thing it truly took an act of congress to get any change. I'm in the private sec. now. Nurses that they took from foriegn countries when we had a shortage do not speak good English and are not required to take state boards so care is questionable. That is how they maintain staff because these nurses can't work in the private sec. and Dr. till they pass the boards. With Obama's plan your health care is in question.

  4. You probably endorse government's intrusion into your life when it taxes you for the purpose of providing a military.  Once you have allowed any intrusion, it seems to be just a matter of degree.  How much intrusion are you willing to endure?

    People on the left use this position to urge you to accept a greater level of intrusion [1].  I go the other way.  I will accept no intrusion that I have not explicitly contracted for.  What's more, I will not sanction unwelcome intrusions into the lives of others on my behalf.

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