
Do you hate New Zealanders?

by Guest45229  |  earlier

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hey im having a convasation at the moment with my friend about new zealanders... is there anyone who hates us? i think we rock but aparntly everyone hates us. is this true??




  1. I don't hear too much about you guys (Canadian) i actually have a friend that just got back last week, i don't have any reason to hate y'all unless my friend says something i don't know about, your good in my books

  2. no not really, except the aussies, but that goes without saying. i could never tell your accents apart from south africans though!

  3. I love kiwis!!! you guys are awesome.

    I only met one that was an *** and he was just a grumpy old gas station attendant.

    Everyone else in the 6 months i was there was totally awesome!

  4. It's probably the very high crime rate of this country that has people concerned.

    Who would want to visit a country whose daily news is the number of rapes, bashings, child abuse and murders that happened the day before.

    Sad but true, a concerned Kiwi

  5. no, most people really dont even know where nz is, and half the time they get it wrong thinking we are part of aus.

    the only ppl i think 'dislike' us are the aussies but then its more of a sibling rivalry with your older brother than true hate (still cant believe wallabies have a nz coach). Generally kiwis are well liked and regarded world wide . Thankfully we dont have a reputation like americans or chinese tourists  

  6. I'm a NZer and have never heard anyone say anything bad about us (except for the aussies). I don't personally hate NZers, but i think that our country needs improvement - especially with our health care system!

    Nevertheless, people could be talking about us behind our backs and we wouldn't even know it, Lol.

  7. i don't hate people collectively, only individuals.  ive never heard anyone say anything about hating new zealanders. French yes (not me), but never new zealanders

  8. I don't have anything against them.

  9. You need to get out into the world and get proper opinions. I don't know why anybody should hate anybody else. After all, all people are the same inside it's only skin pigmentation and some facial features that differ. Language and culture fits into ones own environment. I don't hate you or anyone else so where is the point of the question.

  10. No I don't hate myself as an NZer

    and I dont know anyone from around the world that hates us as a people

  11. nope i don't "hate" because "hate" is a strong word u guyz are ight with me for now

  12. I think of Canadians and New Zealanders being like each other too. Don't know why other than the ones I've met all could drink my *** under the table. Fun people to hang out with but kinda crazy.

  13. Not at all.  They are generally nice easy going people.  I do find a lot of the woman distant and unfriendly though in the year I've lived in Auckland.  

  14. No I havent met any New Zealanders before but I hear alot that they are actually nice people; very friendly and hospitality

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