
Do you hate beautiful people?

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Do you hate beautiful people?

I just really hate them. It's not fair! And don't say that looks aren't that important because they are!

The thing that pisses me off the most is that I have to be ugly so that they can be pretty because if there was no ugly people than there would be no pretty people. Get my drift?

Anyway do you hate beautiful people? I do




  1. I know what you mean buddy beauty in the eye of the beholder my a*s. Sorry to burst your bubble but people dont care about looking past one's beauty or personality people are to ignorant and simple for that at least the average group. It sucks being ugly If i could sell my soul and half of my personality to be be beautiful I would in a heartbeat f**k intelligence It you just gets you laughed at If your hard to look at.

  2. i hate people that are ugly, it's not fair that we have to look at them and feel pity for them.  beautiful people always have right away, remember that. 

  3. need to get to know them first it not about looks its personallity not thier fault the way they look, i dont belive im beautiful but i get told and many girls give me total evils haha. Its awfull people are nasty like this for no reason it puts a downer on peoples confidents :(

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