
Do you hate clowns? read on...?

by Guest63189  |  earlier

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i don't really HATE them..but they freak me think it's because i don't really know who's behind that retarded laugh and could be a pervert or

what about you?




  1. To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kinda scary. I've

    wondered where this started and I think it goes back to the time I

    went to the circus and a clown killed my dad.

  2. I HATE clowns!!  

  3. i dont like clowns my self, i feel bad when i see them since in my childhood. it is freaky to see a smiling face 24/7. it is not normal to me..

  4. Hahaha...

    Well, it's because people started portraying clowns as evil and scary. That's why you feel this way. Just like barbie dolls.

    Yikes, I don't like them either.


  5. i didn't like clowns to but when i heard "the candy spooky theater" (its a japanese rock bands that are gothic clowns) everything change !!!

    but yea i understand it could be some petifial (dont know if i spelled that right)

  6. Are you talking about those performing at the circus or those that in real life?

    If they cost you no trouble in your live and bring a lot of laughter`s, why not.

  7. And you could be right !

    If the person behind the makeup is hiding, or using the makeup as a "come on "

    I love clowns ( the good folks) because they want to make others laugh and feel better for the moment . I guess it is the motivation behind the wearing of the makeup that makes the difference

    Un fortunately some people do not have the ability to sense when a 'clown ' in not genuinely just clowning around for the laughs.

    Children would be vulnerable to a pervert like this .

  8. People tend to be scared of clowns because the make-up utterly obscures facial features and emotional expression leaving us suddenly clueless. That's why it's such a common fear, up there with once-dangerous things like spiders, snakes and heights. It's a genuine worry.

    Not so much that their a pervert, but that you have no signals from them with which to predict their behavoir. There's been a lot of study on it.

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