
Do you hate it when people are telling you are fat.. but you feel like you are not?

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here's the story:

I used to be skinny which i find very unhealthy because of my graveyard shift at work. Having that kind of shift makes your eating habit unusual so it dropped me a lot of weight. I'm 5'2 and i used to weigh 45kg... After a year.. i resigned and found a job in the morning and it made me gain a little weight because I'm always eating right on time. I feel healthy unlike before.

Now, my ex coworkers saw me and told me I'm so fat and that I need to reduce my weight. They even posted a comment on my website telling me to lose some weight. I really hate it... I really don't think Im fat really.. Im 5'2 and right now I weigh 50kg. I feel fine and healthy.

Even my mom is telling me i should reduce weight.. my friends and coworkers. It is stressing me out. I mean.. I don't want to starve myself just to reduce weight.

My old picture:


What should i tell these people? They like to tell me to 'hey reduce some weight' it's bugging and hurting my feelings.




  1. You are a very lovely person.  You are right in the middle of the weight range where you should be.  

  2. Juz bug them off & don't mind what they say.  Besides you're weight is juz average. I'm way heavier than you but m not obese & my BMI is within the normal range even if I stand 5'3 and weighs 63 kgs.

    Never let other people dictate on what you should do with your body.  

  3. I hate it when people take it upon themselves to comment on someone's weight. If someone wants to lose weight, then it is their personal choice and not the business of anyone else.

    By the way, I look at your pictures and you actually look thin, and much healthier (consistent complexion) now than before. I don't think you should worry about anything.

    By the way, I think you should tell your "family" and "co-workers" to keep their personal opinions to themselves. I don't know why some people take it upon themselves to insult you, but they are not your friends!

  4. You look way better than before.

    Though your haircut is a whole lot different from before and because it's shorter, it gives more emphasis to your face and neck, that's why those judgemental friends and family of yours are quick to speak up.

    Ignore their words if it hurts you so much. If YOU LOOK AND FEEL better, healthier, and stronger, then you're doing nothing but bettering yourself. s***w what they say because what they want is what is portrayed in magazines and tv. They want someone anorexic and SICK. Not someone healthy and beautiful.

    So let them tease and comment, because as they continue to drown in their judgements, you're soaring higher in your good health and confidence.

    Rock it girl!

    edit: Just some advice, in your pictures make sure to keep your shoulders back and your chin up, it'll make you seem that much more confident, beautiful, and stronger as a woman. =]

  5. tell them to F@#k off and tell them tht if they r not satisfied by there lifes does not mean tht u should tell me to be unsatified

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