
Do you hate it when?

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You are on your work today. You stop at a gas station to get something to drink. The guy in front of me was buying some oil for his car. The cashier was telling him that the company pour one cap full in with the off brand. I'm thinking. Who cares about oil. All I want to do is pay for my drinks and leave. What happen to "How are you?" Pay for your things and leave,




  1. I hate that!  GO! buy it and get out- I feel like they do it just because they have nothing better to do or anyone else to talk to.  Let's play 20 questions with the cashier just because we are buying a pack of gum!  Or the people at the store who work together want to have a personal conversation with each other  for a few minutes while I am waiting! I guess I have to sart leaving earlier for where I'm going because for some people a trip to a convenience store is the highlight of their day.  

  2. I always get behind some crackhead or a bluehair buying lottery tickets. And then they want to scratch them off at counter. I just butt my way in an put my stuff on the counter. I usually have my money out, too and hold it out. Sure, I might be being rude, but they started it.  

  3. I personally believe in a rush or not they queued up just like everyone else, and are entitled to ask questions about a product, but god you just want to tell them to step to one side already and quit chatting on about something that isn't exactly rocket science.

  4. This happens a lot. People don't realize others are in a hurry and want to get in and out. I usually "huff" a little and look at my watch. Sometimes the cashier sees, says "let me get this girl behind you" and the person in front scoots over and continues his convo while I check. I don't care if they chat, just as long as they can do it and ring me up at the same time.  

  5. I know these things can sometimes be so irritating but it's America and there's all kinds of people, rude and nice.

    Just don't sweat the small stuff.  I do this a lot and am trying to brush it off.

    Don't worry.  After the day and a good night's sleep, you'll get over it.
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