
Do you hate jamaica?

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  1. Friend's and family went and they said not to go there.  beggars everywhere even little kids.  when they stopped giving money the beggars started to throw rocks at them.  said they hated it there and recommended to never go.  Jamaica was there only problem spot on their cruise.

  2. its so ugly where it isnt paradise

  3. ive never been but i hear its amazing there:]

    i hope to go someday.

  4. I'd go back in a heart beat!

    It wasn't the most luxurious, but the water was beautiful.  yea there was some extreme poverty...but the pina coladas were the best i've had, & the money conversion was great! something about that place just got me hooked...

  5. Kind of.

  6. if you guys are from the Caribbean shame on you cause i bet that none of you  have been to Jamaica. We should never put down any Caribbean island and this should not even be a topic. This is why Americans always stick together cause they down put down some parts of states but look at the entire thing as U.S.A. and we should look at it as the Caribbean you put one down you put all down. Stop hating. Oh and i am not Jamaican I am from St.Lucia

  7. na mon wut wrong wit u is u some sort of bombaclut u don't like tha cheba and bob marley mon?

  8. soroush+rick+bob=haters! rick is no jamaican,cause we wouldnt speak to any1 like that,he's just ignorant! as for bob and his family, every caribbean island has children who beg and adults also,jamaica is a 3rd world country,even america have beggers,i live there now and i have witness that,dont try to single out my country..u have lazy parents who refuse 2 work and send they kids out to beg,but you have children home that would take them in...and about "throwing stones"...thats total RUBBISH! if you went there and it wasnt wat u expected ,maybe you expected 2 much..or maybe ur just to stuck up!!! and btw why would you ask such a question? every country has there ups and down,time for some people to wake up and smell the coffee...I LOVE JAMAICA and if any one of you dont...then so be love mi seh

  9. NO......Jamaica is a wonderful place, yes just like ANY other Caribbean island the is poverty, but I don't hold the whole island responsible for the poor actions of a minority
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