
Do you hate little kids?

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i know i do o.O

i hate their annoying voice and their greediness.

i know this is wrong but i just cant help it. this nephew really annoys me and i want him out!!!!




  1. i don't mind little kids, especialy when i'm getting paid $7 an hour :P

  2. No, I don't hate little kids, and if you do you need to see a psychiatrist.

  3. As mean as others think your question is, I actually laughed out loud at it. Honestly, I think kids are awesome... when they're well-behaved, but that's asking too much of little ones. They're just learning how to react to the world, so we have to have patience with them.

  4. I hate having to deal with ill behaved, badly raised little kids, but I love them all!

  5. I don't hate, it's not in my nature.

    I'm fine with little kids for short bursts of time - ie, I have them for a few hours before they go back to their parents - but I don't think I have the personality suited to caring for one long-term.

  6. That's like hating the sun because it's hot. Kids are selfish, and most people are even when they get older. They are learning how to express themselves correctly, and you have an opportunity to help mold a person that will either be helpful to those he's around later, or annoying to them too.

    Kids are kids, hating them won't help your situation.

    I don't hate them; but no one is immune to be annoyed. Kids should be taught how to behave, but if they are not taugh, it's really the praents' fault.

    You can help though.

  7. I have one child, but by no means do I like being subjected to other children's misbehavior. I have even had to say something to my own boyfreind's daughter when she acts up. I will not tolerate disrespect from my own boy, I will absolelty not tolerate it from yours.

    That being said, kids are kids, and if you do not like them that is your right. All I will respectfully ask is please do not tell me you hate kids and then go somewhere kid-freindly and complain about the noise.

    I do agree that some kids are greedy, that is the fault of the PARENTS not the child. It is human nature to ask for things, we have to be able to sometimes say no to our kids.

  8. I think kids are adorable! I know they are annoying at times but so were you.....and so was I! But just because you think there annoying doesn't mean that you shouldn't give them life. And a good life at that

  9. Overall, I like kids. Sure, some can be really annoying, and I especially have difficulty tolerating bratty children (children who don't behave or listen or who always want things and throw tantrums). But well-behaved children are such a joy to be around and you can have so much fun with them.

  10. They make me not like them becuz they're soooo annoying & have no respect.  

  11. No,I don't hate them and I don't let them get away with bad,annoying things when they're in my house either.I also have no qualms about telling the parent to get their offspring under control.I am a mean grandma.

  12. Sometimes it helps to remember that we were little kids at one time and that maybe we weren't exactly "angels".  I know I wasn't.  None of us were or are perfect.  That's the way life is.

  13. I don't hate little kids. I find them to be annoying, clinging, sticky, loud, smelly, uncoordinated, messy, tyrannical little narcissists.

    What a dreadfully clean and dull world it would be without them.

  14. I don't like most kids. Most of them are self-centered, noisy, too boisterous and disobedient.  

  15. Not all of them, just the ones who are ill mannered, loud, rude, obnoxious and destructive. I was in Toys 'R Us once and there was a kid about 7-8 years old throwing a temper tantrum, full on on the ground screaming. I stood there looking at it and when it finished it looked at me like I was supposed to say "Oh, you're so adorable you're so cute and I love your temper tanturms!" The kid realized I was not going to goo goo over it and was shocked. Years ago when my nephew was six years old he was very obnoxious and a brat as well, and we took him to Disneyland (he lived in Aspen but  was visiting us) and we had to do everything he wanted to do and go everywhere he wanted to go and finally after several hours we were exhausted (I was with my Mom, and another lady and her daughter) and it was boiling hot in the summer and he threw a hissy fit; climbed up on top of one of those trash receptacles (I was so tempted to slap him and throw him in the trash!) and it took forever to talk him down. So again, not all, just the rude obnoxious ones. BTW, my nephew turned out really well and is a great guy today.

  16. Only misbehaving children.  Kids are going to have an annoying voice because of their vocal cords.  Greediness means they have yet to learn manners.  My two and a half year old niece is a sweetheart though.  Yes, she throws her temper tantrums, but you can tell they are so fake.  Once she knows she has lost, you move on.

    Just keep in mind you were young once with an annoying voice and a "gimme candy!" attitude.

  17. Heehee. I love kids and want them but at the same time they scare me. I know it makes no sense. But thats how I roll.

  18. Love children and they will love you back.

    And when children are being lovely little kids and not disrespectful little b******s, they give you the greatest feeling in the world.  

  19. I like kids from afar.  And I like certain kids.  But, jez, I hate 'em when they are in screechy groups where they forget there are other folks around having to hear them chattering non-stop in those high squeaky voices.  The decibel levels get real high and my head starts to hurt, especially if we're all in a confined area (like the commuter train or bus).  They also tend to forget that they live in the world with other folks and go careening around without looking and I've seen elderly folks get pushed or tripped--or just fall from trying to avoid stepping on some hyper little kid.  I hate them crying--the cry is either high and nerve-wrecking or so so so so sad it makes me want to cry.  I do know what you are saying.  My nephew when he was little cried all the time--he was used to getting his way and screeched when he didn't, woke up crying, cried when he had to go to bed--family gatherings were really awful.  But he's an adult now and a funny guy (with a low voice) so he's ok, now.  Saw a little girl today walking hand-in-hand with her dad; the pavement is all these terra cotta-type tiles that make a circular pattern all down the street and she was trying to put her feet in as many of them as possible while keeping up with her fast paced dad--it was amusing (and I cannot twist my legs around like she did nor as fast as she did).  

  20. I won't say hate, such an ugly word that, but I do seriously dislike other people's children.  Even my own kids annoy the c**p out of me sometimes.  Not enough people believe in teaching discipline, respect and manners anymore, that is why there are so many little snot nosed brats running around crazy in the world. I'm a mean mom and will be a mean grandma, I will absolutely say something to other parents or kids if the parents aren't around if they are misbehaving.  Seriously what is wrong with people.

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