
Do you hate miley cyrus? yes or no and why ?

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Do you hate miley cyrus? yes or no and why ?




  1. I used to reaaally not like her because of those pictures she took for vanity fair after saying that she was really grounded in her faith or whatever. But now i could care less.

  2. I don't HATE Miley Cyrus, just I dislike her.

    HATE is a very strong and mean word.

    I dislike her because I think that she is growing up to fast.

    I mean look at all these S****y photos she is taking.

    I don't recommend her as a good romodel for kids!

  3. i used to like miley cyrus but know i hate her because she posted all those nude photos of herself in youtube. she's a bad role model for young kids!!!

  4. I don't hate miley cyrus, i hate her music =/ I think its highly overrated. Like most disney stars she dosnt deserve alot of the money she makes, there are much more talented artists out there.

  5. i do hate miley cyrus. i used to be 1 of her biggest fans until found out her truth. look up information and you'll know what i mean

  6. Well i can answer this question very well. Miley Cyrus is talented in my opinion. I think that everyone in entitled to their own opinnion. I know miley has made some mistakes. She has posed innapropriately..not the best but it is her choice. Many people think that miley's photos were innapropriate but you should look at the average, every day girls myspace pics. I really like miley's songs because they have a fun beat and they can be fun to dance to.

  7. Yes I hate Miley Cyrus more than anything in this world because she is a s**t who can't sing and one day I will get an AK-47 and assassinate her. xD lol. jk about assassination.

  8. It's impossible to duck into a Wal-Mart for a loaf of bread without seeing at least 15 pictures of her..

    As much as I dislike Hannah/Miley as a person--or people for that matter, and believe that she is a bad role-model for millions of little girl. You are entitled to your opinion, but even if you hate Miley/Hannah as much as I, you shouldn't hate all of her songs just because she's taken provocative photos, made bad decisions etc. After all, it's about the music, right? I mean, the Beatles did all sorts of drugs, and probably aren't the greatest influences in all aspects, but, millions of people still love their music. And that's all that really matters.

    However, I do think she needs to remember who she is a role model for. Most of her fan base are teens, ages 8-12. As a result she needs to cater her behavior toward younger girls. She is starting act more seductive in her videos and her new songs are a bit mature for that age group. She is so young but becoming increasingly famous

    Well, her music is terrible, the lyrics are ridiculous,

    I mean, the best of both worlds? So, does she mean

    guys and girl? Lmao.

    Her purity ring.

    She doesn't seem like a virgin, at least as she portrays

    herself, she seems like the type of person that

    would sleep around, or have s*x at a young age.

    How overrated she is.

    I seriously don't get it, she's not talented. The only

    reason she was ever discovered was because

    of her one hit wonder dad Billy Ray.

    She's probably the life of any party, most would agree she got a shortcut to stardom on her dad's coattails. The best talent out there will never get near as far on lots more work, so there may be the feeling that she didn't earn her way up.

    Just her.

    I've seen one of her web shows, she seems

    like the kind of girl I'd want to punch in the face,

    she's annoying as h**l.

    Those are my opinions

  9. She's all right! She's not the best role model, but she's alright.

  10. yes i do she sucks - thats my reason


    have a star *


  11. She's hideous even with her makeup on, I can't imagine her without makeup. Eww! She's famous, she should care more about her looks, but she lets herself be hideous like that. EWWW!

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