
Do you hate offshore oil drilling as much as I do?

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Do you hate offshore oil drilling as much as I do?




  1. No I love it!  Drill here... Drill now....Drill offshore....Drill ANWR....Drill everywhere.

  2. swish.....two points

  3. if the environmental concerns are real threat to human health, we might end up paying atleast 4x more on the cost of healthcare..what we were thinking we'd save on a gallon of gas.

  4. No.  

  5. Nope.  im all for it!

  6. No, Why do you hate it...We need to explore all of our resources and find new ones also to survive.  We need to start now...this has dragged on for 30+ years with nothing being done.  

  7. I don't understand the big deal with drilling anyways. Why should we make the middle east more rich? We have the oil, why not use it ourselves. With the advancement of technology we won't need it in the future anyways. Obama is so stupid. He talks about taxing the oil companies more. If he took econ in college, he would realize that the oil companies would just raise the prices on our end. We are so behind it is not even funny. We should be taking advantage of nuclear technology and drill our own oil.  

  8. I just think that its' ugly. OK, ANWAR does make some sense.

  9. no

    we need oil or youll be bled dry

    gas is at a crazy price

    soon itll be $5+

  10. It is ugly and it needs to be done.  In life we must not be on the left nor right then we r backwards.  We need to be in the middle.  May be a little bit but we NEED it to boost our economy.  We need to construct green tech so it is avalible to the ppl then we can start worring about creating an economic depression.  IDK ask Ron Paul.  I just hope u read my messege and think about it.

  11. No.  We need it.  

  12. Not as much as I hate gas at 4.00+ a gallon, higher prices on goods and services and the idea of people freezing because they can't afford heating oil.

  13. kneau

  14. If you hate the idea of offshore drilling then you should know that other countries around the world are already drilling as close as 90 miles from the U.S. When are the people of this country going to pull their head out of their *** and see what is really going on. There is not a oil shortage in and around our country, need to stop hugging trees and wake up. Everyone else in this world already knows what they need to survive in this century and the next.

  15. Yes. Hate it but that don't mean I am the baby's daddy. Lies, lies lies. Trust me.

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