
Do you hate or love/like Sarah Palin? Why?

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Do you hate her? Do you like her? What are you reasons, for whichever answer?




  1. It's a love/hate relationship here. I love her spunkieness and drive. She is evidently a strong determined woman to have gotten so far at such a young age and still have a family. But I hate her views and take on public policy. Which in the end is what I have to base my decision on.

  2. Love her. I like her can-do attitude. She cleaned up the Republican corruption in Alaska, got a pipeline done, and has the experience to be VP or President. I have new respect for McCain for choosing her. I like how Palin thinks. Very nice family, too. She must be squeaky clean because the left wing liberal bias media hasn't dug up anything on her!

  3. I hate most of her ideas (most not all).

    I don't hate her personally. Hate is a very strong word.

    I hate Osama Bin Laden, Hitler and Stalin but certainly not that woman who is completely different than I am.

  4. She is a great speaker, she is a conservative but not a fanatic, she hates corruption, and she is her own person. She does not agree with McCain on everything.  

  5. Hate her for very obvious reasons.

  6. Her hypocrisy makes me mad.

  7. I'd probably hit it.

  8. I don't hate her I just don't like her. She just showed up last week from patrolling traffic in Alaska and now she thinks she is qualified to criticize Obama's accomplishments.

    Retired: for someone who last week you didn't  even know existed you sure know a lot about her and her opinion  on McCain policies.

  9. She is great and I can't wait to see how this all plays out.  So far she has really showed how professional, accomplished and poised she has been, even through the vicious attacks on her family.

  10. i don't hate anyone i do however like her moral standings that moral

    standard is taking care of the people who entrusted her to do what she was elected to do and she not only talked the talk she walked the walk

    she is a woman of her word. Alaska is proof of that as well as the highest approval rating for a sitting Governor.above 80%


    i am energized, i am thrilled , i am elated i think shes a tremendous

    asset and because of her i will vote McCain/palin

  11. No. I hate women who shield themselves. Acting like she needs to be protected.

  12. I think she's great.  She is humorous, she knows what she wants and she's got fight in her.  A perfect person for the Republican ticket.

  13. I think she is the right running mate for John McCain.  They compliment each other.  I think McCain will do a good job running this country and Palin will be a good vice pres.

  14. I like her a lot! She is a breath for fresh air that Washington has been needing for so long. Think about it, she has actually done things! Cut spending, had members of her own party brought up on charges because of wrong doing. What has Obama done? He speaks of change? What change is he referring to? Palin wanted to cut spending, she started in her own house by selling the Governors jet...  

  15. Little minded men can't stand her because she is strong, little minded women can't stand her because they are jealous. I love her because she is strong and I am secure enough to want to see a strong voice for American women AND Men.

  16. I really like her alot! I think she will shake things up!

  17. Just a political toy in my opinion

  18. Hate is a very strong word.

    Dislike is much better.

    I love her! She brings the American Dream with her to the White House.  She's so down to earth and she means what she says.  Look at her approval rating in our largest state.  That says a lot!  

    She has changed Alaska around; I am thinking about moving there just because is seems Alaska government truly does look out for the welfare of all their people.  Plus, I hear it is just breath taking there.

  19. I don't hate anyone.

    I love her as a fellow American.

    So far I like her message.

  20. i like her a lot,even more than Patricia Heaton "Debra" from every body loves Raymond

    wow she is hot,i don't care what party  she belongs to,or what are her political preferences i love that women,she is the hotest women in America right now

  21. I love her.  She's a breath of fresh air, honest, funny, and real.  She is the change we are hoping for in Washington.

  22. I think she's a super lady who cares about people and this country, she is a very strong supporter for her state, which how can she be faulted for that, and I don't understand how people can hate her when they don't know her, I can understand people hating or disliking her views but to say they hate her is really sad...I would say if anyone that is so shallow they can say they hate her it has to be because they see she may be what it takes to take this election away from Obama.  

  23. Love! Typical Citizen, who knows what it like to actually work (worked for the union), and knows what this country needs.

  24. Neither, but my respect for her increased by a huge amount. I liked how she spoke and how she seemed ready to take on issues. Very strong person.

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