
Do you hate or love middle, high school, college?

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Because i dont understand how people can love it!

Id prefer hearing from both but mostly people who like it :)

All the stuff i learn, I forget it like the next day unless it is the test.Weird thing Ive gotten honor roll all 4 qrts, even though I'm a trouble maker:)

Not even for my friends.

Hated subjects= math&history




  1. Hated middle school, liked high school, loved college.

    I think i enjoyed it the older I got because you gain independence, still, high school teachers treated us like kids and when i went to college it was a huge transformation and i loved it. In high school they were still telling us what we could and could not drink for lunch (like shutting off soda machines-stupid) Then the day you're out of H.S. you decide everything. I planned all my college classes myself and loved not having to go to a guidance counselor to get it approved.

    p.s. I hated math in middle and high school but aced throughout college. College is soo much better and they really really care about you and your grades and goals!

  2. i love middle school. and im looking forward to high school.

    hated subjects=science and math

  3. When I am feeling lonely, thinking of school brings back good memories.

  4. i kinda liked middle school but i hated high school

    i hated everything about it from the girls to acidemically

    teachers these days are so liberal and brain wash these poor students

  5. i almost hate high school because of the stupid teachers like one i had last year. my algebra teacher made a powerpoint that we took notes from every day which was basically word for word/number for number from the book. i studied by looking at the examples the night before.

    anyways, some people just should not be educators. the only reason i like school is to just occasionally learn something that i didn't know and talk to my friends. i dont remember anything i learned in math either :P

  6. I loved highschool because I did so very little and got excellent grades.

    I LOVE university because it's challenging and I'm pursuing subjects that I actually want to study.

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