
Do you hate people who are a messy eater?

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I can't stand eating with someone who can't feel that there is food everywhere on there face can't you? Or chew with mouth open.




  1. my mother does that and it pisses me off...but i dont hate her for she wont stop even if i tell i just gotta live with it....but then again i dont live with her so it doesnt matter lol

  2. i dont hate them

    but it disgusts me

  3. I don't >hate< them, but I would definitely say something (nicely) if someone did that while I was eating with them.

  4. Not normally but my little brother is autistic and MR, he chews with his mouth opens, eats with his hands, spills it everywhere etc. We used to put a smock on him to eat but now we just strip his shirt on him and wipe him off after dinner. He tries, bless his heart, but he is messy.

    My sister has a friend that chews with her mouth open and I just want to throw up when she is over. It is disgusting.

    I would also have to agree with foggy_id, I don't hate the person but the gross out factor can be pretty high (except with my brother)

  5. I'm sensitive so things affect me deeply. Being around revolting habits makes me sick. I just about would rather starve than sit with a gross eater. I'm surprised at how many educated people talk with their mouths full, like everyone should just be thrilled to see their chewed up food.

  6. I dislike poor habits, but I cannot say I hate someone for something as petty as that.

  7. yeah, its distracting.  especially when they got **** on their cheek or sumthin, n l**k their fingers n chew food n **** falling outta their mouths.

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