
Do you hate store clerks who go on power trips?

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I DETEST the ones who work in electronics departments at stores like Gamestop and Wal-Mart. I asked one if the movie RedBelt had come out on DVD, it was yesterday, one day before it's supposed to come out. I've seen new releases come out on the weekends at Wal-Mart. This lady comes out with the attitude and tells me "I don't think we have it, and even if we did, we wouldn't be allowed to sell it anyway."

Jesus, what's up with the n**i-like attitude towards release dates? Shouldn't stores just sell the product as soon as it comes in? I'm sick of these clerks who think they are gods because they have some sort of power by not selling DVDs and games before the release date.




  1. Whenever I encounter attitude at any store I go home and call the mgr and tell them about it. People are struggling to pay bills and live right now so everyone who shops in stores need to be treated like the gold they are and again, without you she would be out of job and out on the street on her fat a$$.

  2. I don't see any n**i or god behavior in whatever you were told, unless she/he had a rude Tone of Voice. A rude tone of voice is when I would think it's rude. Otherwise, what she said...sounds fine to me. They have policies they follow that we know nothing about which should be respected. One learns a great many things as an employee....that the customer has no idea about.

  3. Companies get into trouble by the distributors if they release the games, movies, books, etc. early.

  4. Lol I hate over zealous employees of any place. Its not like they own the store!  

  5. There are regulations they must follow. Those aren't the clerk's rules because if they were, wouldn't he/she want to make more money faster by selling them whenever they feel like? They can risk their job if they're caught.

    It would be unfair if someone was able to buy a copy of a book or movie earlier before everyone else in the country.

  6. I hate complining clients. Honestly, if you got your facts straight then you should know when its out and not waste peoples time with silly questions.

  7. LOL I feel you buddy. I have the same problem at my workplace when customer care agents (I work for freelance companies) refuse to intervene in matters of dispute with the customers. This causes me head-ache and they never see reason. It's painful.

  8. There is no excuse for rude clerks.

    That being said, stores sign a contract not to sell these items before the release date.  The idea (for the distributor) is to have all the retailers get them at the same time... a huge marketing advantage.

  9. There are rules they are "supposed" to follow.  Most of them abide by the rules and don't sell the movies and game until the release date.  You occasionally will get a clerk who just doesn't care and considers the sale a positive asset to the company and sells it.  Never take it personally as the person is just doing their job.  As far as the clerk having a bad or nasty attitude now that is something completely different and absolutely wrong.  You asked a simple and polite question and deserved the exact same thing in return.  She didn't have the right to disrespect you and I definitely would have let her know that she needed to "brush up" on her customer service skills before someone reports you.  Good for you for never hurts to try!!!

    Peace & Love  :)

  10. Go to WAL-MART

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