
Do you hate the word hate????

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Do you hate the word hate????




  1. yes

  2. Why hate a word? so no

  3. No lol and U??:)

  4. The only thing I hate more is people that hate people that hate the word hate.

  5. who cares?

  6. I don't hate it.  I'm just disappointed.  Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a human.

  7. I absolutely can't stand that word.  I don't let my children use it ever.  They must restate their sentence if they use it.  It is an ugly word, and I try to avoid using it at all costs.  My children know better than to use it around me.

  8. I could not hate a word. It is useful when you need to describe that particular feeling. There are times when the word hate is very appropriate.

    This is not to say that hate is not an overused and misused term.

    "I hate pizza" "I hate that movie" "I hate doing this"

    These are all exaggerations which make the word worth less when used in appropriate situations.

    The word hate is OK

    Sometime the people who use the word are a bit misguided however.

  9. No I don't hate the word hate, but the senitment is not so great.

  10. i dislike it

  11. no

  12. I dislike the overuse of the word, but find it necessary in a society so full of problems and stupid people

  13. It's nothing for me hating the wording, instead it's useful for expression  feelings.

  14. no i like it sometimes

  15. i do.  if you dont like something, you can use more colorful words than hate.  hate is altogether a bad word to use, i dont like it.

  16. sometimes

  17. I do not hate the word hate. I strongly dislike it. Much like many other things in this world we could do without it. Hate is a very strong thing though it is used almost daily. People do not realize how powerful the word is. People tend to underestimate the power of things like this. Things like love and hate are very strong emotions and may overpower the real feelings of people temporarily.

  18. I don't hate the word, but I do think that it is much too powerful to be used lightly.  I don't think that many people have truly ever hated someone before.

  19. I do! I usually just say i dislike something with a passion. EX: I dislike marshmallows with a passion! LOL!! Thats just me though!

  20. my children are not allowed to use it in our house. Especailly when she was younger 2-6. It was a naughty word just like stupid.

  21. i hate that hate!

  22. no, I don't hate words.  words are good.

    I hate the concept 'hate'.

  23. uhh sometimes when they say i hate you but i don when it is like i hate pickels that is ok well for me

  24. Nope. It's a strong word, I never really use it. I don't really hate anything, there are just some things I might dislike.

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