
Do you hate ur boyfriend or ur husband?

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well i do lol lets just all name a few things we hate about them and then we can check to see if we have any in common... ok so i'll go first. 1. He's a pot head 2. He's so selfish 3. He's rude and calls me names 4. He never goes out of his way to please me 5. He likes his friends more then me.......... btw were married with a baby ( 15 months)




  1. LOL... Ooohh! A rant-fest. I love these.

    Mine is a jealous controlling loser who is so unhappy about his own life that he tries to direct everyone else's. But I filed for divorce in May, so it'll be over soon, I hope.

  2. no i don't hate my boyfriend. i love him.

    i think that it might be time you and your husband split up if you hate him so much.

  3. Why are you even still with him??? He sounds horrible!!

  4. why are you wasting precious time...divorce him

  5. I feel your pain. My husband plays video games and ignores me and my 20 month old kid. and he spends more time with his friends than me too. *sigh* men....

  6. Hey nice to know that, not happening to only me!!!  But I got a divorce.    Now I am on a bf of almost 2 years!  And about 2 months ago moved 1300 hundred miles away from everyone I love to be with him for a great job for him.  And b/c this is something he always wanted to do.  And now he never loves on me anymore unless he wants something or some period.  Hes selfish and then when I call him a spoiled little brat he gets all bad and poor me.  When he does no chores!!! I do all the house work and cooking.  And he sits on the sofa!  When we go out hes on his Iphone looking on line and not wanting to talk.  And his hole answer is that well were just adjusting to the move differently!!! We yeah its call I just wasted $1500 and 2 years of my life!!! I think guys at some point just start turning into a little boy just not as cute and a lot more complaining...... Sorry you got me for some odd reason us girls just keep them around anyways, maybe always hopeing that the relationship will go back to the great relationship we started with and loved.  d**n Disney and that princes charming sh@#!!!!!

  7. No, but I hate yours and it sounds like you deserve someone a little more attentive.  Get divorced.

  8. mine did 2,3,4, and ignored me chatting with new gf on computer.  we had no kids together,   i threw him out .  i and my kids are much happier now.   watch out he could hurt ur baby and you.  

  9. I'm husband works 55 hours a week so I really don't see him & if he is off he's playing basketball with his friends or playing video games with his friends! He's so selfish, he's rude, he can be mean when he wants to make me mad! But I still love him even if I hate him sometimes!

  10. Oh gosh I sympathize I was stuck in a relationship for many years with a rude emotionally abusive husband. I got to the point that I really hated him.

    What he is doing to you and your baby is called abuse.

    He obviously was not ready for marriage and fatherhood.

    I have found the best way to decide what to do in a given situation is to pretend that a friend is having the difficulties you are having - let's say an abusive husband (rude and calls her names) who is a pot head. What advice would you give her? Of course you would tell her to get counseling and/or get out wouldn't you?

    So follow your advice

    Especially if you have a 15 month old baby. Your baby is not learning anything good. Your baby is learning either how to be a victim or how to be abusive and that being a pot head is the way to be. Is this what you want for your child?

    You are not alone there is a lot of help available.

    First find a woman's shelter (they exist almost everywhere) – look it up on the internet or call up your city hall or police station  or salvation army - you don't need to give details  and can even say it's for a friend if you are worried. Then go talk to them. You can move into the shelter temporarily (they are fun) and they will help you get established with money, furniture counseling, assisted housing, courses,  legal aid and social aid.

    They will even be able to get counseling for both and both off you if your husband decides he wants to make it work..

    If you can't find a shelter call up social services and tell them you are living in an emotionally abusive relationship and how can you get help to leave.

    Also start doing affirmations to counter act the negative self image and the degradation you ae going through.

    I am a beautiful and intelligent person.

    I am worthy of love and respect.

    I feel good about myself.

    I am worthy of love and respect.

    I am a pleasant and kind person.

    I carry myself straight and proud.

    I walk with confidence.

    I smile a lot.

    I like myself. People like me.

    People enjoy my company.

    I love my baby and my baby loves me.

    I am a good mother.

    I am kind and caring.

    I am a pleasant enjoyable person.

    I am feeling more hopeful about my life and the future.

    I have many options.

    I feel more and more comfortable in social situations.

    I feel more and more at ease being around people.

    I always know the right thing to say and the right thing to do.

    People like to be around me.

    I am friendly and I make friends easily.

    I have a good sense of humour and find things to laugh about every day.

    I notice good things about people and tell them.

    I feel good about life. Good things always happen to me.

    I attract good situations and good people.

    Things always seem to work out for me.

    I accept people as they are and feel comfortable about myself.

    Do these every night minimum of 3 times before sleep for at least 21 days, They will help you feel better and you will start noticing a difference in the way you perceive yourself and the world around you within a few days.

    Do look for a shelter and at a minimum go talk to them or a councelor. You are so lucky that you are living in a country where women are able to have choices. Do not waste your years and then look back with regret.

    Also look up affirmations to heal your life.

    Do these things and things will get better. I wish you the best.

  11. Get a DIVORCE then.

    I love and adore my husband with my whole heart and wouldn't be with him if I didn't.

  12. I wouldn't be married to my husband if I hated him. Although there is one thing that annoys me the most is that he loves his car... but what man doesn't? It's one of his hobbies that keeps him happy besides me and the kids. It's like me always wanting to shop and getting it whenever I want it so it all evens out.  

  13. he still smokes pot hahah.... yeah leave him...oh and btw i dont hate my boyfriend but if i had yours i would....

  14. You need a person who will make you feel good!   Hmmm, that would be me.

  15. Lets review why I love and adore and cherish and am completely in love with my husband:

    He is: loving, romantic, passionate, sweet, fabulous, kind, giving, generous, profound, fun, brilliant, hilarious, wild, intense, crazy, silly, down to earth, interesting, carefree, level headed, faithful, honest, loyal, treats me like I am his queen, creative, a wonderful dadda, grateful, appreciative, a h**l cat in bed, magical, insperational, supportive, emotional, amazing, spontaneous, shall I go on?

    You married a stoner. End of story.

  16. ok so i love my bf but ill tell u wat i annoys me about him he is a major goof ball, which i love, but he doesnt know when to stop, he is a major hornball, and he never listens to my problems he just thinks of things that are worse for him  

  17. Wow! I think the question should be do you hate your EX boyfriend or husband because if someone was this miserable with someone, why would they still be with them??? And please don't say it's for the sake of the children. That's even worse! Then the kid gets to experience not being FROM a broken home but living in one. I have an EX husband I hate, and he's an ex for a reason.  He was lazy, was a liar, drug addict, a procrastinator, habitual gambler, POOR hygeine, and an AIRHEAD!!! I left his a.s.s. AND we have a son.  I did my son the biggest favor EVER!

  18. ok

  19. L e a v e!   He is a jerk!  You don't deserve this kind of relationship.  Just Move on girl!

  20. Ok- but this is about my ex-bf:

    He NEVER said ANYTHING nice about me

    he smoked pot

    he quit EVERY job he has EVER had

    he NEVER had any money

    when we fight, he called me awful names

    he is a loser

    he STILL harrasses me

    I HATE his dumb ***!

  21. No, my husband's my best friend. We've been married 17 years.

    Shouldn't you have known these things about him BEFORE you married him?

  22. I'm sorry for this, but i think you should hate yourself for taking all this c**p from him, if you hate him, why just not get a divorce and stop living such a miserable life, and don't say its because the baby , its not a reason, your child should not see his/her father treating his/ her mother that way, its not healthy for your child or for yourself... and don't hate my hubby i love him just as much he loves me.

    good luck

  23. YES!  Just got my divorce papers !  Yeeee Hah!!!!  He's always been selfish and IMMATURE.  Untrustworthy, unable to be counted on, and compulsive liar.  He's never home due to his job, and when he was, he would go see friends.  Now that I've met the love of my life and want to move on, he's trying to change.  Why do guys like him wait til your about to leave to change?  But don't let them fool you.  They usually go right back to what they did before soon as you unpack your stuff!   Sooooo.....sounds like you settled, like I did.  Just to let you dont' have to accept that.  If you accept it now, that's what you will always get.  Good luck sister!

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