
Do you hate waiting at red lights especially when there are no other cars?

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Give this question a star if you are as annoyed as I am waiting at red lights, especially when there aren't any cars to go on green.






  1. No........remember the rules of the road and also remember there might be a police officer watching you.

  2. yes, but do you have alot of tickets.  I do...

  3. hey chill out there is no need to be in such a hurry. red lights are here to stay

  4. Well, you could just put a neon sign on your car saying "I AM SPECIAL!" so you don't have to stop at those pesky red lights like ordinary people do!

    Or, you could just possess your soul in patience.  You will live longer if you do.

  5. i go through the lights

  6. lol me to

  7. Well Why would you want to go while red if it's red your stil lnot safe. You never know say you were aobut to run a red light and some crazy drivers comes speeding and then if your going while red you tow people will crash into eachother and then you could possibly b ekillerd or extreamly injured.

  8. Yep, It would be nice if all the red lights had sensors to see how many cars are waiting. They could switch more quickly.

  9. Just be patient love.  Don't be in a hurry ..... chill .....

  10. YES!!!!! That happened to me last night actually. It took like 2 minutes for the light to change. I was so tempted to run the light.

  11. Be patient my dear.Too many people are in a hurry behind the wheel.Take a deep breath and enjoy the drive.

  12. No.

    What annoys me, though, is when they are out of sync with lights at other junctions and there's no Green-wave (if you drive approximatelly at the speed limit you can pass several junctions at green lights withou waiting). It's easy to do, it just requires a bit of thinking, but that can hurt.....

    Or, when they don't work at peak times but they switch them on to work at 3AM where there are no cars on the streets.

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