
Do you hate when certain employees complain about people?

by Guest44754  |  earlier

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i am talking about cashiers and waitresses who think they are not as annoying as some of the people they serve. ive been in retail before and i understand this kind of job entails a lot of direct communication, but dont you hate when you dont fall into the category of people who are mean and judge mental, yet these cashiers are irritated and give you an attitude? seriously, all of us have to communicate with people and i doubt these people live in a cave. theyve asked the same stupid questions we have asked. anyway, i dont mean to rant, i just really dont like this situation. what do you think?




  1. That's what you can expect from minimum wage unskilled woker drones.

  2. I hate when i'm at a retail store and the cashier complains about other customers to me.

  3. tortuga tom knows the score

  4. It certainly puts other people in an awkward position when they complain. Sometimes people complain about customers because their job is stressful - and they don't really mean to heart the complaints, but it is a way to let off steam. Yet, the person who is hearing the vent is in an awkward position. Suppose they are venting - are you supposed to 'support' them - or do you take the risk of not being one of the crowd by siding with the customer? I also agree that many complaints like that are picayunish. It takes a rare person to really empathize with someone who may appear 'stupid' to others.

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