
Do you hate your job?

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I am just curious how many of you out there are actually unhappy with what you are doing. I am also wondering how you got to the job and why you dislike it. Thanks for sharing and as always, BE HONEST!




  1. I am not happy with what I'm doing right now, which is a data entry job in an office as a temporary staff. My friend was the one who recommended me and his friend who did her industrial attachment there, was the one who recommended him.

    It's not that I hate the job or anything. My friend who brought me in was right; before I came in, he told me that once you got used to using the company's internal database programme, and can handle the workload each day, the job becomes manageable, but boring. Really boring.

    I'm currently thinking and trying to find some non office, non corporate jobs.

    The greatest irony of it all is that my diploma is in Business Management, which I took just for the sake of getting that piece of paper. As well as to satisfy both my parents' and society's expectations...

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