
Do you have Christmas alone or with family/friends?

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Do you have Christmas alone or with family/friends?




  1. My family does christmas on a different day. Christmas time it would be just me and my two boys. Have baby with us has well. my parents might be over if my mom off from work. But I have a boyfriend. hoping he be with me. Might be over his parents house..

  2. close family...

  3. family my friends always go on awesome vacations while im stuck here  

  4. Christmas alone is my preference.

  5. i have christmas on my own much better.

  6. I celebrate Hanukah with my jewish relatives (parents siblings etc) and now I celebrate Xmas too with my husband so it's great, I get the best of both worlds :D  

  7. I had last christmas alone. It was agony and I would not recommend it

  8. Family and Godparents Christmas eve and Christmas day until late afternoon, then later Christmas and boxing day with friends.  

  9. with Friends and family there is nothing like Christmas with your family you open your presents together trying to pretend your not excited but you really are your all like little kids again and then you get dressed fighting over the mirror and bathroom then go to the pub for a pint of larger and to say hi to your buddies then go and join the rest of the family for christmas dinner where your mum and grandma keep filling your plates over and over again then when you think you can't eat anymore gran pulls out the desert and yousuddenly find room in your stomach for a bit of cake lol then you all sit in the living room watching christmas movies on the telly that come on every single year while getting drunk on wine and brandy and stuff while telling bad jokes and funny old stories about the rest of the family what more could you want, no matter where you go if you have family or friends to spend christmas with then do it don't be alone christmas is about being together it should be a happy time where everyone puts their differences aside even if it is just for the one day hehe

  10. christmas eve im in the pub with my friends

    christmas day im with family and my boyfriend

  11. With family. I'm glad to have family, but sometimes I wish I could stay at home on Christmas. To have to go to my family's house, then to the in laws house every year is a bit much.  

  12. Family

  13. Have christmas with friends and my cats

  14. Its always been with family.

    When my parents separated both myself and my sister would spend christmas day with our mum and boxing day with our dad

  15. having chrismas with family is great

  16. All alone unfortunately, I'll see my mum for about an hour but that's it. :(

  17. I spent one Christmas alone, the year I got a divorce. It was so lonely because my sons & their families had just moved south & no other family was around. I did have a great talk with the family via phone & it helped put a smile on my face, especially when I spoke to my grandchildren. The following year, I spent it with a new man in my life. He was divorced & spent twelve years of being alone on all the holidays. We're still together, we moved south to be closer to my family, so no more lonely holidays for  either of us.  

  18. I have christmas with all my family and friends but this year I won't be with my family.           :(

    I am going to Disneyland with a friend and her mom for 4 day's so this will be my first time away from my parents on Christmas. But I am going to buy there christmas gifts at Disneyland. My mom says that going to Disneyland is my christmas gift from her so i'm really happy and excited to go. :D

    I never been to disneyland during christmas and my friend says it looks beautiful.

    I can't wait to go.      :D

  19. This year Christmas will be at home with friends.  

  20. with just my kids and hubby

    friends are always welcome also

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