
Do you have Chron's or colitis? If so can you tell if I do?

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Here are my symptoms.

Well for years I noticed I was getting the "runs' quite often, although not always but usually. This went on for years, but only recently have I been getting stomach problems. I thought I had an ulcer back in Feb. and it still might be that. I went to the ER and they said I had gastritis. I have a strong phobia concerning endoscopes and can't bring myself to experience that, and I don't care that I "won't remember it" or "feel it".

Im getting inflammation now, my stomach distends, even though I have lost weight (I had to make an effort to lose weight) my stomach should be flat, but it is not. Everytime I eat, I usually get pain and bloating if I eat too much, and I am having to cut my portions in half to be ok now. In Feb. I could only eat a few bites at a time, then I got better because I took antibiotics and watched what I eat. All this time I assumed I had IBS. Now Im wondering if I have an IBS related ulcer. I feel like I have more than one!




  1. I'm no doctor, but I might be able to help =]. My horse had Colitis X, the X means that they hadn't found a treatment for that type. His colin lining had perforated and his waste was travelling into other parts, causing a high risk of septicemia. He constantly had the runs. I'm not saying that this would be the same as a human, but I'm sure it is quite serious and risky if you don't do something about it... even  if it means facing your fears. We nursed him back to health by mixing slippery elm (a bark powder available from health food shops) The slippery elm, when wet, lines the colin and bowel. This was mixed with water, honey and greek yoghurt. This really helped him, and it tastes sooooo goood lol. He also had a lot of herbs that contributed to his recovery. This method is all natural, but I would consult your doctor if I were you before making any major changes. :-) Good Luck.

  2. Both Chrohn's and certain types of colitis, like ulcerative colitis can be fatal. Don't fool around with this or try to diagnose yourself. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 6 years ago. Symptoms are not pretty, but mine is manageable. Celiac disease is another possibility, that is an intolerance to wheat/gluten. You need to get over that fear and get your butt in to the gastroenterologist and get scoped down your throat and have a colonoscopy. The worst part about a colonoscopy is doing the prep, which is drinking the stuff and having to be in the bathroom all day. You need to get this done now. Personally I think you are crazy for not and a doctor will too. Trust me I've had this done twice and you can handle this. You get an IV in your arm, piece of cake. Then when they are ready, they wheel you into the room, there's a Dr. and couple of nurses, they put the medicine in your IV and you wake up about a 1/2 hour later, never knowing you had anything done. You wait about 45 min., get dressed and go home. They won't let you drive, but that's it. Done and over. I'm telling you if I can do this you can too. Ok here's a wakeup call: think of all the poking, prodding, surgery, pain, etc. that children with cancer have to go through, I mean come on. I'm sorry to be blunt, but get over the anxiety which is turning into stupidity and just do it. Your life is important, life's too short, don't waste it or cut it off by being afraid of the procedure. Do it. Even if you want to try natural/alternative health remedies, you gotta find out what the problem is first. Get it done.

  3. You need a lifestyle change, Not a doctor...Believe me I know from experience ... a good site to start

  4. hello dear denise!in colitis we take remedies,diet and herbs!

    our russian doctors recommends take diet nr 4.

    if you interested in reading about that and talk feel free visit:

  5. If I were you I would go to a homeopath who would ask you all the necessary questions to find the most appropriate remedy for you - something which cannot be done on internet as the interview normally takes 20 minutes to half an hour and the homeopath also needs to look at you.

    If you really cannot go to a homeopath, I would start by taking the following:

    - Turmeric (yes, the one you use for cooking) – 1 teaspoonful in a glass of water 4-5 times a day for one week to coat the wall of the intestines and calm the inflammation.

    - Then take "Slippery Elm" in Mother Tincture (liquid) (latin name = Ulmus Fulva or Ulmus rubra - don't take Ulmus Campestris as it has completely different properties) . I would take 30 drops 3 times a day for 3 to 4 weeks. This is to heal the walls of the intestines after the inflammation has been reduced by the Turmeric.

    Slippery Elm gets more and more difficult to find, but it is really efficient to stop gastric and intestinal inflammation. Can be ordered on Internet if you don't find it at your nearest pharmacy.

    If you really can't find mother tincture of Slippery Elm, you can try the bark (as suggested in the answer above for the horse) which is a rougher treatment but better than nothing.

    Take good care of yourself! Wishing you all the best!

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