
Do you have ESP or psychic abilities?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not sure but I think I might. I can't actually PREDICT things that will happen, but I sort of THINK things and they get mentioned, or happen. You?




  1. I do... but only the negativity so what good does that do me?

  2. We are both alike check my question regarding something just like that!

  3. Yes.

  4. I'm not sure if I am empathic, or not.  I am REALLY good at reading people.  That is why I like being face to face with anyone in a business situation.  In a personal situation, it is not that important to me.  It helps me in job interviews, negotiating, etc.

    Do I have empathic abilities - can actually feel what others are feeling, or am I just a good listener, and great at reading body language.  I think it goes further than that.

  5. Yeah. I think I can see the power ball numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I do not.  I bet you don't either.  If you do have ESP, you can win $1,000,000.  You better hurry up though.

  7. well i think that i have them because yesterday when watching miss india contest i predicted three contestents and they won. when i watch time in my watch i feel a strong intution of the time and the time goes correct. i am very happy with these powers and seeking for the powers of reading others mind.

  8. well no but I wish I had,sorry.

  9. Every body has psychic abilities. It is deep with in all of us. I truly believe that if we were still hunters and gatherers we would not even question it, it would just be in play 24/7 in each and every one of us, We would take it for granted just like we do our other 5 senses.

    On another note: those with an impaired sense, have a heightened ability to anticipate to compensate for the lack of that sense. The other senses become heightened.

  10. Yeah, me too!

    Stuff like - I think it might rain and eventually it does.

    Sometimes I think about crime - and then crimes are committed!

    The other day I thought about school children - and I saw one walking down the road!

    Gosh, I tell you, it's a heavy burden of responsibility I carry, without my thoughts I think the world would possibly cease!

  11. me not

  12. I believe that every one is capable of predicting the future.

    Though everyone has the ESP capabilities I think it is more likely for a person who believes in themselves and the phenomenon of clairvoyance to receive these visions.

    Through various mediums like Tarot cards, Palmistry or scrying ANYONE could predict events but what you are explaining is different.

    It is more reliable because you are not interpreting the meaning of a sign like a card a hand or a reflection.

    What you have may be coincidence or clairvoyance.

    As for me, yes I have had my fortune telling moments. I had not been aware of this lunar eclipse that was happening one night and when I went to bed someone was telling me about it in my dream and I was extremely upset that I had missed it. She assured me after my disappointment that there would be another one in 2010.

    When I looked it up online it would just so happen that the next lunar eclipse for North America is in 2010!

  13. you probably do...trying to get people to listen will drive you nuts! relax and enjoy esp...

  14. I have many abilities. I was born with them. I can flat out do cold reads on people. I can also read my boyfriends min and he can read mine. I also talk and see dead people

  15. Abilities? I'd say no.  But we all seem to have our moments when we get a premonition or intuition.  I think the difference between psychics and ordinary folks is that they can tap into those moments more often.

  16. no, not me

  17. I do not but that is really cool that you do, enjoy your gift and dont let other people tell you that you dont.

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