
Do you have Neighbor Nightmare Stories to share?

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I moved into a new apartment complex which was 5 minutes from where I worked. Since I had an hour for lunch every day, I went home to eat and watch a little TV so that I could relax and return to work refreshed. Being a friendly kind of person, I usually said hello to my neighbors or waved and smiled.

The neighbors in the apartment right next to me got a little too friendly. Every day, as soon as I got home to eat lunch in peace, they rushed over and rang my doorbell until I finally got up and answered my door. In walked the mother, her daughter, and her daughter's 2 year old. Even though I stood blocking the doorway, they would say, "Geez, can't you hear your doorbell ring?" and just walk on in and sit down and let the kid run wild.

I told them in a nice way, that I needed to enjoy my lunch hour in peace to get away from my hectic office job, but they just continued coming over. Finally, I just gave up and resorted to going out to eat every day with some co-workers. :(




  1. I live in a neighborhood with LOTS of children.

    I came home one evening, maybe 730p, to see that my neighbors were getting **ahem** intimate.  I was horrified.

  2. they warned out their welcoming, thats what happened. of course you shouldnt stop doing what you loved to do all becuase of some neigbhors who lack manners. i would have just stopped answering the door. and made it blunt and firm that they need to back off.

    um right now, i live next to a foster home with a constant barking dog that they always keep tied to around a tree. the dog can bark over or about 30 minutes. i'm serious as a heart attack, i can lay there in bed in the morning, and my backyard is right next to theirs and i can just look out the window and see straight into theirs. they even left the dog outside during a terrible rain storm. and since i live next to a foster home, i have to deal with kids shouting and playing and throwing stuff in my yard. little brats.

    we have a really nice neighbor, she lives alone now becuase her son finally moved out, who by the way is almost 30 years old. but when he stayed with her, the neighbordhood was never quiet. we constantly hear the car pull up with LOUD rap music playing, ALL THE FREAKEN TIME! and that really just P'OD off. how can you decide for everyone else that youre goign to play loud music? thats what houses are for, to have your own private time. but thank God he is gone!!

  3. The worst kind of neighbors to have are nogs

    that scream and yell at each other on the

    street at 2:00 and 3:00 am.

  4. Yes. My husband & I had a lonely neighbor lady. She invited herself over for coffee every morning. We stopped answering the door. She got the message. Next time your neighbors decide to show up uninvited, you could put some inappropriate music on for them & blast it. Maybe they would get the message!? Either that or you could place a phone call to someone & ignore them.

  5. my neighbour has 3 is goth or something and him and his friends hang out till 2 am on "my" front lawn, even though they have their own front lawn and leave cigarette butts all over....the two younger kids and their friends (usually 6 in all) start squealling at 10 am, and it don't stop until past 10 pm......they play in the street with big sticks, steel rods and wooden poles (don't ask me where they get this stuff from) chasing each other, hitting rocks or pine cones with them, dragging them around, hitting them against trees and rocks to  make noise......or they play the street, which bounces off my car, the side of my house etc......they are just a pack of animals........

  6. My husband and I moved into our newly built home.  For months and months, our neighbors dog, who was tied to his dog house, barked and howled continuously during the night, keeping disturbing our sleep.  We talked to our neighbors about this problem, and they said that it was normal for dogs to bark and did nothing about it.  My husband called the police on them and they were ticketed and forced to go to court for a hearing.  My husband won the case, and our neighbors had to pay a fine, but the dog continued to bark.

    So, we bought earplugs so that we could sleep.  Isn't that awful?

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