
Do you have a Detective mind? Answer this Satsujin Jiken (murder case) riddle

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By: Aiserzon Rivera

(Difficulty: Easy)

A bloody Friday night at the time of 8:00-8:30pm a man was killed in the study room by a stab of a knife in his heart. The police are sure that this is a murder and there are 7 possible culprits:

1. The wife

2. The driver

3. The business partner

4. The maid

5. The grand father

6. The son

7. The daughter

During the investigation, a black string, a petal and a sign pen was gathered in the crime scene also the setting of the room is quite a mess; there is a possible struggle while the victim is getting killed. The one who discovered the body is daughter. The owner of the knife is the son of the victim. But there is not enough evidence to confirm that the son killed his father so the investigators asked all of the 7 possible culprits for their alibi.

At the time of 8:00-8:30pm:

The wife: She was in the master’s bedroom room repairing her black blouse while watching TV; she heard her daughter’s scream and rushed into the study room.

The driver: He was in the garage getting ready to go home. The reason that he is still in the garage was because he drove the victim and his business partner to the house at 7:30pm. He didn’t hear the scream so he’s still in the garage at that time.

The business partner: She is in the living room writing a proposal. The study room is near the living room, so she heard some footsteps near the room she thinks that it is the culprit because he/she is walking very slowly. She memorized the sound: THUD—(1sec.)--THUD---(1sec.)---THUD-----... She just ignored the sound and continued to write.

The maid: She is in the garden watering the plants. Her slippers are dirty due to the mud scattered in the garden. She also didn’t hear the scream for she is outside the house.

The grand father: He is in 2nd floor in the guest room in his wheel chair due to a leg injury 2 days ago he stayed with his daughter until he is fully recovered. His leg is wrapped with bandages. All he is doing is answering a crossword puzzle and eating his dinner. He heard the scream of his grand daughter but he ignored it and continued to answer the puzzle.

The son: He is in the 2nd floor in his room talking to his girlfriend on the phone and it has been confirmed by his girlfriend but she says that he hanged up with her for about 8 min then continued their conversation. then He heard the scream so he rushed downstairs to know what happened.

The daughter: She is in the 2nd floor in her room transferring the flowers that her fiancé gave to her to a vase and go downstairs to the study room to get a pair of scissors to cut the flowers. Then she saw her father lying near the window… dead.

At 9:30 pm the investigators went downstairs to check the crime scene again. The wife, daughter, son and the business partner are in the study room. The family of the victim is accusing the business partner for having a grudge against the victim. The business partner replied that the wife is the possible murderer because she is jealous with her relationship with the victim. After that the maid and the driver entered the room from the living room and said that the son is the murderer because they heard the son talking with his friends that someday he will kill his father. Then the grand father angrily said that “no! it was the maid and the driver!!” “they have been planning it for a long time!”. The police and investigators are confused… WHO IS THE REAL KILLER???




  1. can i participate? :D

  2. i think the man committed suicide

  3. the grandfather.

    the black string and the petal could have been dropped by the daughter and the wife in the shock of finding the dead body. however unless somebody planted it there the pen could only have gotten there when the grandfather was in the room, which if you believe him he wasn't, there is also the fact of the footsteps heard, which could have been the thuding of a cast on the floor.

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