
Do you have a Phil & Ted pram? Which model and why?

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We're looking at Phil and Ted prams for our upcoming new baby and our toddler and are wondering which model to go for.

What model did you pick and what are the pros and cons you've found with it?

I'm looking at either - sport, dash or vibe models.

Although the vibe looks great I've heard of lots of problems with it and are steering towards the sport version.

What would you suggest. Pros and cons would help me out.





  1. I have an e3 Sport. It is the greatest ever! my girls are 22 months apart. They never minded being in the back seat. Love the size and the fact that regardless of being out with one or both kids, you only needed one stroller. So versatile. I added a BOB handlebar console for drinks and keys. I am selling mine because my girls out grew it last summer. Worth every penny! Steered like a dream even with both kids in it. Good Luck! You can't go wrong :)

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