
Do you have a Taurus child?

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I am just wondering if your child is a Taurus and what their personalities are like? It doesnt matter if you don't like astrology I am just wondering how much of it is true for children. What are they like as babies too? Thanks heaps in advance




  1. Ha I've just had to look this up but yes, my baby is Taurus. She is only 4 months old but here goes. She is a very smiley baby. Once she is asleep that's it, you can hoover around her and there's no waking her up. He isn't greedy, she just has as much milk as she needs. She is also very bright and you can tell she want to be up and about with her big brother. She loves for you to pick her up and walk around with her because she is very nosey. (Don't know who she gets that off lol) I hope this helps.

  2. yeah, i do and my husband is taurus too.  my little on is 3.5 months old and loves people.  she starts getting excited, flapping her hands and squeeling whenever someone looks her way.  she loves talking to her teddy bears too.  she won't sleep before midnight (neither does my husband) and hates naps (though my husband is always taking naps when he is not working).  she loves to eat (milk only at the moment) but i am guessing she is going to have a sweet tooth (she loves calpol which is a sweet medicine and always cries for more).  she is quiet stubborn too and will get angry if we don't hold her the way she wants to be held, lol.  well, not much else as she is still young but i am sure she is going after her dad.  i am a saggi and quiet different from them both.

  3. I"m a taurus baby and I find that a lot of the time I am described by the personality parts, but I find that I also am described by a lot of the other horoscopes too.  

  4. For some reason, Tauruses run in our family.

    Taurians tend to be very firm in our beliefs, you might even call us "bull headed"

    My son is a Taurus, as am I, and so are many extended family members.

    My son is stubborn, passionate about what he believes in, and placid about what he doesn't.  Motivating him is HARD WORK, but once he is motivated, he'll go until he drops.

    As a baby, he was a happy go lucky child, who hit most of his milestones ahead of schedule.  I'm told I was the same way.

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