
Do you have a acent?

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do you have a acent?

if so were from?

just cuirous!=]




  1. Everyone has an accent.

    I have an American English accent.

  2. I have a Brooklyn

  3. i have a country/southern accent i say yall and stuff like that... what do u expect im a tennessee girl...=)

    help me?;...

  4. I've been told i have a South Dublin,Ireland accent which is completly different from an Irish accent!

  5. no...i wish i did they are so cool.  i guess you could say i have an american acccent, but that doesnt count for me

  6. I'm not French, but I am of Irish descent, and sometimes people say I have a bit of an accent that's a mix between the two. I picked up on the Irish accent when I was there a few years back, and I've been speaking French for 10 years, so that's probably where it's from.

  7. well I used to live in Texas for a couple years and my bf says I sometimes have a Texas accent, especially when I'm with my mom.

  8. I have a neutral American accent.

  9. i am black with British acent

  10. Everyone has an accent...

  11. i have a slight southern accent [i'm from sc] but my mother raised me to speak in complete sentences and to pronounce all of my words correctly.

    unlike most from this state.

  12. ya I have kinda a Spanish accent only cuz I hang out with Mexican guys all the time hahaha

  13. i have a mainer accent, kind of mixed with a canadian accent, due to all the time i've spent up there. personally, i like the way i talk, haha [:

    what kind of accent do you have?
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