
Do you have a baby face?

by  |  earlier

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I do, and I hate how people assume you're a sucker or inexperienced in many matters.

Have you "faced" this in your life?




  1. no.

  2. Yes, i get it all the time. Its everywhere. people think im 16 when im grown. I hate that but sometime it does have an advantage. I wont look to old to quick LOL

  3. No but my daughter does. I keep telling her that when she is my age, she'll love it. LOL. She's 20 and people think that she's 14 or so.

  4. i have a very round face...and a voice to match..i think i sound like a 10 yr old on the phone...i got carded at a restaurant once when i was in my 20's...jusy showed them the family pic of hubby and i with the 6 children...took care of that..

  5. nope lol.. cant say i have.. when i was 12/13 i looked 16 and now im 19 ive caught up but no not definately baby faced.. all woman but cute at the same time if i say so myself lol *grins in the mirror*

    im joookin! all the above is true but you shouldnt worry about bein baby faced.. you'll be greatful when your old.. im not patronising u.. think about it.. we are only really youthful up till our early 30s if not earlier for some.. meaning you have the rest of your life to look more youthful and s**y.. so dont worry embrace it.. who cares if ppl stereotype u.. let the worthy ones get to kno u and see otherwise

  6. yeah... *sigh* it's not all bad sometimes you can play it up.. :P lol it's quite good for flirting :D

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