
Do you have a baby or babies and are you still going to college?

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ive been in college 4 yrs and now im expecting my 1st baby.. i need 2 more yrs and im wondering for those that continued is it hard?? I wanted to wait until graduation but my husband and i were married for 2 years and began getting bored and we wanted a baby.... my mom is going to take care of my baby and im going 2 days a week to college..

it it hard?? what was it like for you?




  1. I'm attending law school (part time) and I have a one year old daughter and number two on the way!  It really not that hard.  You just will have to balance your time b/w family and school work.  The hardest time for you would be when the baby is a newborn bc you won't get any sleep but after a few months it will get much easier.  You can do it!

  2. My sister has 4 children and starts her nursing program again on monday.  She says its the hardest thing she's ever done, but oh, so worth it.  

    She already had 3 children by last year, and she only has a semester left and she had her this will hopefully be a peice of cake for her!  

    She just turned 27 about two weeks ago.

  3. I have three kids and I am currently going to college. My youngest is 2. I will not lie it was easier working full time with kids than it is going to college. But don't give up. I go with lots of women that give birth one week and are back in class the next. It can be done. You have went to far to stop now and if you take a break then it will be harder to get back in a routine.  If need be lighten your load a little. Don't take as many classes.  

  4. it will be hard u have to have the will to do it and if u know u can then just put ur all into it  

  5. i got pregnant my senior year of high school. i gave birth after i graduated.  i took a year off and then went to college for 5 years.  in my last year of college i had a baby the 2nd week of school.  luckily all of my teachers were helpful and i took off two weeks of school, but was able to catch back up pretty fast.  it's not that hard if you have the right mindset.

  6. I am going back to school on monday after taking a leave of absence last semester to have my son...i'm 22 and have about 3 semesters left... it shouldnt be too bad for you just going 2 days a week...i'm in school every day from like 9-1...but my son is also 6 months old now, so its easier to leave him (i'm breastfeeding as well so we've introduced some solids so that he will be able to eat more while i'm gone!) My mom (and my step mom) will be watching him while i'm at school, and i'm nervous about being away from him every day but I know that i need to finish this degree! Good Luck...its hard but as long as you put your mind to it and have a good support system you should be fine!

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