
Do you have a better chance of playing football for a big college like ut or usc if you.........? ?

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do you have a better chance of playing football for a big college like ut or usc if you go to highschool in a small town or a big city. when i look at the college players and where they are from alot of them played football in small towns.




  1. NO! it doesnt matter if you go to a small school, a big school, or if its in a big city or small city! IF YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH , THEY WILL RECRUIT YOU, its as simple as that! Dont worry!

  2. A lot of the small towns you may see are suburbs of larger areas.  I honestly don't think the size of town you come from matters as much as how good of a player you are and how well you, your parents, and your coaches prepare you to play in college.  By that I mean do you and your parents and coaches send out game tapes to schools of you playing, do you go on visits to the school and meet with coaches (if their recruiting you) etc...  

    Bottom line, there is no college football program in America that doesn't want to win.  If you're talented, and they see you, they'll do whatever they can to get you.

  3. If you go to a small town that they don't scout normally you won't have much of a shot.  You need to get yourself out there so they can see you at camps at the big schools.

  4. You might as well go to a very good high school which has a good grade average in any state tests It does not matter on the cities

  5. It doesn't really matter...take Peyton and Eli Manning...their from New Orleans, not a small's all about

    1) how well they see you play on tape

    2) your stats

    3) your character and if your in trouble with the law...

    4) and making the minimum academic grade...but colleges always find ways to get the great players in

    Edit: I fully agree with Andrew S's bottom line

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