
Do you have a blind crush?

by Guest66998  |  earlier

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Lets say have you ever fall in love with someone whos here in yahoo R&S, or just a mutual understanding because the way she answer some questions..

Thanks everyone and God Bless.




  1. lame!

  2. I never thought of it before, but I think it could happen.

  3. I'm in love with R&S in general... Does that make me a s**t?

  4. Nope.

    I'm sure there are lots of people here that hate me though.

  5. no..

  6. Nope.  My crush had Lasik surgery

  7. No my crush is not blind, she can see very well. So what was the point of the question?

  8. I have a major crush on Red Queen. And Idiocracy.

    I would strangle a dolphin to meet them in person.

  9. for some reason i have always wanted to date someone who is blind... o wait thats not what you mean

  10. Come on now. Everyone wants a snuggle with me!

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