
Do you have a child interested in the Olympics?

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Are you telling them about China's human rights? Or allowing them to enjoy the games?

My 10 yr old is loving it. I havn't the heart to spoli it.




  1. For the love of the game, let them enjoy it.

    Then, afterwards, explain that the Chinese help fund the atrocities in the Sudan!

  2. My daughter likes to watch the gymnasts when they are on but other than that neither of them are that interested. If they were older then maybe I would explain, but young children don't need to know about that aspect of it.

  3. my 6yr old says that the ppl in ben jing are exercising to lose weight and those that lose the most get a medal, i didnt have the heart to correct her, i think this healthy living thing in our house has gone too far !  lol x

  4. Yeah my 3 week old loves watching it in the middle of the night with his dad - I think he's particularly fond of the swimming and gymnastics, I'm waiting until he's a bit older before having political discussions with him about human rights.

    he also enjoys watching his dad play mario kart on the wii in the middle of the night, I don't think he's fussy to be honest.

  5. Well, mine are far too young, but Finn was fascinated by the opening ceremony. I can't see much point in explaining the politics to a 17 month old!!

    EDIT: Honestly, I don't think you need to explain it to a 10 year old either. She wouldn't really understand anyway, just let her enjoy her innocence for as long as possible.

  6. My son marty and I were watching it yesterday. He's 16.

    No I didn't, because I  feel the Olympics have nothing to do with what china is doing!!!

    It wouldn't make a difference in what country they're in!!!

  7. I don't have a child watching the Olympics this year but if I had I would concentrate on the spirit of the games. No matter where it's held politics will come into it. I wonder what we'll be charged with in 4 years time? Maybe elder cruelty, child poverty, general mayhem.

  8. I do not have any young children - my youngest is 21 and at Uni and he would not even watch the opening ceremony  

  9. Children should be allowed to be children.

    I agree with Haz, for once we have some amazing role models on TV  and children should not be denied the right to aspire to them.

    OII you down there!! Feck off - I'm posh me!!

  10. I don't have a child so I won't know.

    Just a few points about Western's obsession of criticizing human rights in China:

    The only reason Westerners keep harping on human rights in China is because it’s the only thing they can still latch onto to make themselves feel superior and smug about their triumph over China.

    Westerners see the writing on the wall. Compared to Asia, they’re losing the race in terms of:

    - economic growth

    - educational quality

    - technological innovation

    - environmental investment (China invests way more than the U.S. does toward sustainable energy research)

    - and hipness (Asia has stopped looking to the U.S. for the next cool trend. Now Asians are increasingly seeing South Korea as the top trendsetter, whether in terms of TV, film, fashion or music.)

    China is just a convenient proxy for rising Asian dominance.

    If Americans really cared about human rights abroad, they would have started making noise about China 30 years ago. And they’d be making noise about just about most countries in South America, Africa and the Middle East.

    But none of those countries are an economic or military rival to the U.S./Europe, are they?


    I don't know HOW and WHAT do 2 of those people thumbing up "Proper Shambos" PROPAGANDA post for?

    There's enough Western media to demolish the Western mainstream media propaganda to LIE about Tianamen Square Massacre:

    And more from Gregory Clark:


    Graham Earshaw:

    ........Beijing residents and most of the students had filtered away. The tent city was largely empty.

    I don't remember seeing the students leave the monument, although they did -- filing off to the south as a result of an agreement with the PLA commanders

    It was later said by some that they bulldozed through sleeping students, but I don't believe it. No one could still have been asleep in those tents after that night.............


    "as far as can be determined from the available evidence, no one died that night in Tiananmen Square.

    “Journalists have to be precise about where it happened and who were its victims, or readers and viewers will never be able to understand what it meant.”

    FINALLY WORDS: It is the Western media who has propagandized Tiananmen Square Massacre and it's all the media who has brainwashed every Western citizen but wanting you to believe their words.

    The child needs the truth and since Western parents is feeding their child what the Western media constant violations of "pack journalism;" it is unethical.

  11. my kids not interested in anything exept

    her laptop and MSN.

  12. Mine are 11 and 7 . The 11 yo refuses to watch because of the treatment of animals.

    Have to say we discussed it all way back in chez Haz about whether we should or shouldn't. She makes her own decisions in such matters..!

    Youngest and mr Haz and myself are all watching and he is LOVING it. He has many varied problems in learning stuff at school due to hearing/ sound processing difficulties, the side effect of which is he feels stupid next to the other kids, it's heartbreaking.

    BUT he is a fantastic swimmer and has been so fired up by all the water sports that he beat his dad ( 6ft) in a two length race at the baths the other day.

    I won't go over the reasons WHY we are watching ..I've said my piece through Shambo's questions, but I think they are a separate thing and I would wait till after the games. Let he get fired up and enjoy the fantastic role models..

  13. My Daughter of 7 is loving it!!  Shes been getting up extra early in school hols to watch.

  14. My 8 year old loves it. he wants to be a olympian now, he is just not sure in what yet!

    He is aware of some of the things going on but he also knows where the olympics came from and at the time when the games started in greece then no war or fighting would commence. So he understands it to be an event which should unite different nations from all over the world.

  15. Kat and Haz are right, don't spoil it for him.  Sport is sport and politics are politics. I don't think that the two should ever be mixed.

    Also these athletes are a fantastic example to kids and they need good role models of this kind.

  16. Anyone of any age who is deriving entertainment and enjoyment from these communist games need to take a long cold hard look at themselves. Where were you when the tanks rolled over student protesters in Tiananmen Square? What if it was your child murdered by a fascist state?

    The shame of it all.

  17. To be honest, no, I don't have it on.....

  18. Cant wait for the closing ceremony.

    And listen to steph getting all lardy dah


  19. I've a 5 year old daughter. She loves the Olympics.

    We're from Nepal (China's neighbour) and we know it's a lie from Westerners about human rights in China. China respects all the rights of its people. And my daughter knows it.

    Greetings from Nepal.

  20. I'm letting my children be children.  I'm letting them see that hard work and determination can bring your dreams to life.  The Olympics is about sportsmanship on an international level.  When they're older, they'll learn about China.  Right now I'm letting them enjoy everything!

  21. yes i do

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