
Do you have a child with autism? Did you conceive naturally or with the help of science?

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I've just been reading a lot about it and I'm curious.





  1. I know some families with an autistic child..all were naturally conceived.

  2. Young parents, natural conception, uncomplicated pregnancy, unremarkable delivery, son diagnosed autistic at 19 month.

    No one knows what causes autism. It occurs across all races, all nations, all demographics. Its the big mystery that needs to be cracked.

  3. There is no evidence that artificial insemination, infertility medications or IVF increases rates of autism or any other birth defects.

    It is my belief, based on current studies, that autism is primarily caused by an environmental factor during pregnancy and may be multicausal (same symptoms, different causes).  You can have a genetic weakness to certain environmental toxins and illnesses as well, giving an impression of a genetic cause, which would explain why some families have more than one autistic child.

  4. Every autistic child that I know was conceived naturally.

    Here's some great info from

    No one knows for sure. Though it's understandable to expect that a disorder as common as autism would have a known cause, in many ways it's still quite mysterious. Recent studies suggest a strong genetic basis for autism -- up to 20 sets of genes may play a part in its development. Genetics alone, however, can't account for all the cases, and so scientists are also looking into possible environmental origins, as well as other triggers.

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