
Do you have a children ?if so what are the things that you worries most?

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Do you have a children ?if so what are the things that you worries most?




  1. drugs & violence

  2. A son & losing him is I worry most.

  3. just one word EVERYTHING!

  4. That they won't let themselves Love, live a Honorable life, and seek their potentials, interests and talents. And that God will decide that they should die before I do.

    That is my answer.

  5. Thomas never being able to talk he is 10 and has autism, and i really hope Kylie does what she wants in order to reach her goal of becoming a nurse (she has said from being a toddler she wants to be like her Aunt and become a nurse)

  6. besides drugs and violence, my kids are very trust worthy and it scares me to think that my children would trust anyone and that anyone could do something really bad to my kids... also my youngest son has no fear of nothing, he will do anything and if he gets hurt or breaks a bone well so what he will do it again... he is my little dare devil and he is my evil kenevil...  

  7. well my oldest daughter who is 13, nearly 14, is completely different from her sisters in the way that im scared of things she may do, she is fearless and up for anything, and that really worries me especially because the people she hangs out with are a bunch of 17+ year olds, its a scary thought what could happen to her. and no matter what i try, no matter how hard i try to keep her away from them, i cant be with her 24/7

  8. bad careful who they make friends with and pick up bad habits very fast

  9. that my son is going to die. he stopped breathing and died and my partner bought him back to life, scariest moment of my life,

    im scared that something is going to happen to him that i cant prevent or stop from happening

  10. Having kids is all about worrying! i worry that

    They will become involved in drugs

    They will drink drive or get into a car with someone who is

    That they will not have lasting friendships

    That they  will not find the love of their lives

    I could go on  and i am probably worrying about nothing but like I said I am a parent

  11. it depends what age if teens then defo drugs and what sort of people they are going to be hanging about with , if your child is a girl then what kind of boys she is seeing and what she is doing . i worry about pregancy and stds . what they are doing at school and what grades they are getting and if they are getting good education , !

  12. I worry that I will fail to teach them the lessons that I have learned.  I worry that I will fail to show them by example how to be kind, thoughtful, hard-working, and gracious towards others.

    They are like little sponges and I worry that my screws ups will rub off on them just as much, if not more, than the good habits and lessons I live out in front of them.

  13. That they are too desensitized to violence and s*x,

    That they have been too spoiled and not prepared to be adults,

    That they will be working the rest of their lives because of the economy,

    That they won't find true happiness because they are so influenced by instant gratification,

    That they will forget their parents and not keep in touch

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