
Do you have a cleaning schedule? If you do, how do you do it, and if you don't, how do you keep up.....?

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If you use a cleaning schedule (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, etc.), how do you do does it work for you?

If you don't have a set schedule, how do you keep up with your home? I get so overwhelmed I don't know where to start!


Also, I have 23 month old twins (besides my 5 & 9 year olds), so I can't just clean whenever and they are early risers, so it's hard to wake up early to do things and also, by the end of the evening, I am so exhausted I can't get much done! UGH!!!!!




  1. I have a 7 month old, a cat and dog, and a husband who works all day everyday.  I dont have a schedule.  However on Sunday night I do laundry.  Im a full time college student, so I stay up late and do homework, housework things like that.  Sometimes things get behind.

  2. Don't have a specific schedule.  I know exactly where you are coming from though. I have 4 children ages 7,5,3,2 and I work a full time job. I do my best to instill in them to clean up after themselves which makes things much easier for me in the long run. when I am off from work I  will do touch ups around the house.

  3. That I am trying to for myself. Do a clean schedule. But it kinda hard for me. I hate cleaning. I have a 6 year old and a 4 year old that keep getting in my way of cleaning. If I get it cleaned they make it into a mess again. If I am cleaning the kitchen they have to be in there has well. Or they be fighting over something to do with me. Cleaning wise I would say. Also i don't have alot of energy. I am also expecting and 23 weeks pregnant. My boyfriend in California for his marines training ( new job) when he not in class he IMS me on yahoo messanger. I am on there chatting with him. He home sick right now.. I am going to try to do one room a day. If it takes me all day to get one room clean then fine it getting done.

  4. I use to have a wonderful cleaning schedule.  I would do the laundry on Mondays, Tuesdays would be for dusting and vacuuming, Wednesdays were bathroom days, Thursday was laundry again and Friday was the kitchen.  I also cooked homemade dinners EVERY night...this was when I had my one daughter.  Then my son came along (my daughter is 23 months and my son is 4 months).  Because he has always been a very high maintenance baby I can get very little done.  Plus I have to spend time with my daughter.  So it gets done when it gets done.  I have been able to cook meals again though.  I figure everyone has to eat.  I throw laundry  in when I can.  Sigh...eventually I will get back on my schedule.  Until then I am not going to stress about it.

  5. Weekly but we do pickup around the house everyday or atleast try to.  I try to get dishes done after the kids are in bed and laundry while they are watching a cartoon or playing a game.

  6. I try to do something daily. My husband is deployed so I dont get a chance to have someone watch our son while I clean. I make sure there are no dirty dishes, keep the kitchen clean and the bathrooms too. I pick up at night when he goes to sleep just like the toys and books. As for dusting and vacuuming I dont do that too often unless there is a spill or something.

  7. I'm a neat freak.  I have a 7, almost 5, almost 4, 9month old and one on the way.  So cleaning at my house is crazy!  My husband helps, but I'm still the main one cleaning since he works up to 14hr. shifts.  Here is my schedule, and while my house is NEVER perfect, it stays a respectable level of clean.  My kids are also early risers - we are up by 8am at the latest on non school days; 630am on school days.  We get up, I make breakfast, while they are eating, I start my laundry(always doing laundry!), then for the kids that aren't in school - after breakfast I set them up with a morning "quiet" activity like coloring.  While they do that I am doing the dishes, a light sweep, and I get the kitchen clean.  Then, I start on the living room.  They usually get to watch a few cartoons.  I read them a book.  Then we do lunch, go for a walk, etc... Then it is nap/quiet time.  While they are doing that I take care of the bedrooms/bathrooms.  And of course I am doing laundry continuelessly throughout the day.  Then whatever isn't done or what I couldn't get to - I take care of if hubby gets home early.  If not, I after I fix dinner; I do all the dishes once more, and set the kids up with another quiet activity.  And I do what I can.  If hubby is home by dinner, then he usually pitches in.  My oldest children all will pitch in.  They keep their toys picked up, and my daughter loves to help fold clothes.  So with their help, it stays mildly clean.  Now I broke my foot about a month ago, and couldnt do as much.  And my house suffered.  I know If I do a good spring clean on Saturday morning ... then the rest of the week, is just keeping up.  Hope this helps goodluck.

  8. I'll do major house cleaning on the weekends while my husband is home from work. Otherwise I'll clean while my little one is napping during the day, but usually that's quiet things like laundry or mopping the floor.

  9. tuesday- dust and polish

    wednesday- floors

    thursday- bathrooms

    friday- laundry

  10. I try to get one thing done each day while the kiddos nap.  Like maybe one day I will mop the floor.  I also try to do dishes while they nap.  I do laundry while they play in the same room.  Just do what you can and if it doesn't get done life goes on.

  11. The only cleaning that gets done at regular times around here are pet-related - cleaning up after the dogs, changing the litter boxes, cleaning the hamster cage, etc.  

    I also keep one habit from my (have you checked out , yet?) days & don't go to sleep with a sink full of dishes.  In fact, I make sure that dishes get done after each meal, before I move onto the next thing.  It's a 5  minute job & it makes such a difference both in how things look and in my outlook.  

    Everything else gets done when it gets noticed at a time when we have time to do it.  Haphazard, but good enough to keep them from condemning the place, anyway :D

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