
Do you have a clearly defined purpose in life?

by Guest55682  |  earlier

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Do you have a clearly defined purpose in life?




  1. heck no, im 27 and going back to school for the 4th time.  

  2. I don't know. I have always felt strongly towards pursuing music and art but have been pushed away from it by my family even stronger. I feel incomplete as a result. I'm finally able to pursue music but it seems a bit late. It's hard but I'm sticking with it because I don't see an alternative. I feel like it's in my blood. I've never felt this way about anything else. It would certainly explain the bitterness I feel and can't seem to get a handle on. I just get so down on life because it seems the things that I care most about are off limits to me and I wonder if I am alone in this. It feels like it sometimes. I haven't really told anyone this before. I tend to keep some things deeply hidden. I have a lot of fear. It turns out that it runs in my family. But I'm not close to my greater family and that is bothersome because I think families should be close. So many things that confuse me seem to make sense when I do have the chance to be around family. I find great comfort in that. I find that it gives me a lot of strength due to understanding. I have to stop because I'm starting to tear up. I'm a confused person, trying to do what society seems to demand as well as my family but it's going against my heart and soul. A friend of mine said to me that he thinks I have the soul of the artist. Either I'm obvious but don't know it or he sees what others have missed. He seemed to express to me what I have always felt. But what is real and what is not. It's not always black and white. But there has been this fight in my life with myself. It has definitely led me to be confused and caused a lot of grief. I wish life was easier for me. I have a learning disability, which that just throws in another challenge.

    edit: I'm 34 and have been back to school at least 3 times.

  3. Well, MAYBE.

    Seeing as I am only 14 I am probably too young to know.

    Although I do recognize many of my talents. . artistic & athletic, so I will probably follow down that path. . or not as I am pretty academic.

    Not everybody hardly can KNOW what their purpose in life is. .

    Who's to say, really?

    I guess you just have to find out along the way.

    After all, things happen for a reason. . for the most part.

  4. nope.

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