
Do you have a clue what our insurance will cost?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I'm perfectly healthy, 23 years old, non-smoker....

My wife is 22 and perfectly healthy (no smoking, cronic conditions, medications) BUT she has had heart surgery, some other surgery, and a breast surgery... lump or something...

What are we supposed to do? does anyone have a clue what it might cost... rough estimates are welcome...





  1. There is no way anyone here can give you a even a ballpark figure. Depending upon the prognosis both before and after each surgery, the exact type of surgery, and how long ago she had the surgery she may either be ridered for the conditions, rated up, or outright declined.

    As mentioned before a higher deductible plan would probably be better for you, since 23 year old health males seldom go to the doctor. If you got an HSA qualified insurance plan you could use the funds in the HSA account for your wife's care, even if she isn't on the HSA insurance plan. In my area a $5000 deductible plan would run you around $45 per month and one around $2000 - $2600 deductible would run around $80 per month.

    You'll want to visit a local independent agent that can get you quotes with many different companies and can work with you to find a plan that will accept your wife.

  2. If you are talking about health insurance then you are going to have a hefty premium because she is in child bearing age, plus she will have riders on all of her health condition if they were within the past 5 years.

    You are better off having your own major medical policy with a high deductible and no doctor visits etc. and put her on a policy with doctor visits but remember she isn't going to be covered for anything preexisting for a certain length of time.

    If you are talking about life insurance it will be fairly cheap because you are both so young...

  3. You would have to get your own policy by yourself, your rates would be preferred.  Even though your spouse is in good health now, insurance companies will look at her past history, they would probably rider her breast, heart, and what ever the other surgery was for.  Your best bet is to get on an employer sponsored group policy, of course their rates will depend on the health and age of the whole group, so if it is a healthy group, you will get good rates, but if they are unhealthy, the rates will be high.  You couldn't even begin to predict that, so it really is the luck of the draw.  

    Your spouses rate would probably double if you wanted maternity, because that is very expensive.  

    As far as rates, call an independent insurance agent and talk to them.

  4. you will get the best rate

    after heart surgery, the only way to win here will be

    a benefit from your employer that guarantees

    enrollment upon being hired

    case in point - I had $150k for about $100/month - term insurance (which is way better than whole life, but that's another question) went to work for the county government

    where I live and got 5x my salary @ 39 cents per  thousand

    - - - and the Sheriff gave us a $10k policy as a benefit

    so I got $130k for $44/month!!! And I am now Diabetic 2 -

    so I could not get that good rate on my own!

    all the best

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