
Do you have a crush on any avatar? ?

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Do you have a crush on any avatar? ?




  1. well avatars are supposed to at least resemble you and i can say myself i have looked at someones avatar and said to myself "hey, she's kinda cute" but idk if i just wierd or what....


  2. ...that would be so so so very weird.

  3. lol uh it's basically impossible to not make an avatar look like ken or barbie, no way can you actually judge someone by looking at one

  4. not exactly a crush but i've found myself looking at some avatars and thinking wow this guy is cute or wow what a beautiful gal. i totally forget they don't look the same in reality. lolz. specially when you have a face and that face is saying intelligent stuff. thats what makes me forget they are just avatars. get it?? no?? i'm not crazzzzzyyyyy hehehhee:P~~

  5. No, i don't.

    Do you?

  6. If you do & it's a cartoon you are pretty much an Anime rapist.

  7. hahhaha...doesn't sound normal to me!

  8. maveric. then ice man

  9. ahahah XD lol kinda

  10. Uh, no. But way  back in the day I did have a crush on Arnold from "Hey Arnold" on Nickelodeon. Hahaha. So lame of me. Dude, I was only 7 of course, but am I mentally challenged? XD

  11. no why would u have a crush on a avatar  

  12. mine, lol :)

  13. they are mostly cartoon characters... can't lust after cartoons... that would be very sad... :D

  14. No, I'd have to be one myself to do that.  I live in the real world populated by real people.

  15. no not at all ever

  16. Naw....I enjoy looking at other's creations, but that's all they are.  The way we want someone to see us in a cartoon, actually.  And having a crush on one is like blurring reality and fantasy.  Time to get a grip.

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