
Do you have a dirty mind?

by  |  earlier

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Ok now read this passage and tell me what you thought it said:





  1. My mind is as pure as the driven snow. I won`t say what I saw.

  2. the pen is in the girls mouth is that the correct

    BTw i have that dirty mind too remove one space the dirty mind pops up~~!!!!!!!!! lolzzzz

  3. The p***s In The Girls Mouth.... I'm 13 so inappropriate

  4. the pen is in the girls mouth pffft course not lol :0  

  5. I had this sent to my mobile phone.  My mind is far from pure but I saw the pen   I could be lying

  6. sick

    i saw the pen is in the girl's mouth

    not the

    i'm not even gonna say it

  7. I have a VERY dirty mind.

    ( . )( .)   I

    \  .  /   AM

    (  Y )   VERY

      \  I /   DIRTY

    What do you think?


  8. The pen is in the girls mouth. I don't have a dirty mind!

    But thats a good one.

  9. The pen is in the girls mouth.

    I got this n a text message one time. haha.

  10. ******* oh yeah ******* =]             8==========D () =

  11. Ha Ha Star 4 U ......  *   ;-)

    Here's One For You   -

    What is it that a cow has four of and a woman has only two of?

    What can you find in a man's pants that is about six inches long and has a head on it? (Hint: Teenage girls love these so much that they'll often blow them without even thinking about it!)

    What word starts with f and ends with u-c-k?

    Name a four letter word that ends in u-n-t which may be the name for a member of your family.

    What is hard, six inches long, has nuts, and can make a girl fat?

    What four-letter word ends in i-t and is found on the bottom of bird cages?

    What goes in hard and pink and comes out soft and sticky?

    A finger fits inside it, you might fiddle with it if you're bored and the best man gets it first.

    What is it that all men have one of; some men have longer ones than others; the pope doesn't use his; and a man gives it to his wife after they're married?

    Scroll down please!









































































    1. Legs

    2. A Twenty Dollar Bill

    3. Firetruck

    4. Aunt

    5. An Almond Joy Candy Bar

    6. Grit

    7. Bubblegun

    8. Wedding Ring

    9. Last Name

    What where you thinking

  12. I didn't register anything except "p***s!" Yes, that was my reaction. I have a filthy mind.

  13. Of course I do! It will probably never clean up, but I may still need a cold shower. ~:)>

  14. the pen is in the girls mouth

  15. I didn't even know what the point was until I read the other replies. I don't think its possible for my mind to be the least bit clean. XD

  16. The pen is in the girls mouth.

    I can't fine any other ideas, but I haven't mean to be dirty..

  17. The Pen is in the girls mouth, of course i dont have a dirty mind, lol

  18. hahahahaha good one and yes I'm a definite perv

  19. The pen is in the girls mouth, or the p***s in the girls mouth.  

  20. The p***s in the girls mouth

    hahahaha...good one!

  21. first time I got the p***s in the girls mouth

    The 2nd time i got the pen is in the girls mouth

  22. I saw, "Two women are having gratuitous s*x." Why? Does this mean I have a dirty mind?

  23. I saw the clean version first, and then was like "oh c**p" when I realised it could be read the other way - hehe, nice way to check if people have a dirty mind.


  25. obviously the p***s, geeze.

  26. lol i have a dirty mind but when i really looked at it i saw it is really the pen is in the girls mouth,  

  27. omg. your really immature.

    its really the pen is in the girls mouth

    but of course everyone is gonna think p***s.


    grow up how bout it?

  28. it says the p***s in the girls mouth. hahaha. i think girls are dirtier than guys, like we always talk about them, and they're bodies and stuff. we're just not all out there like guys. my mind isn't dirty but i do love talking about boys

  29. hi...

    i thought it sed...The pen is in the girls mouth...

    but then i was lik well obviously theres something more to it...thats wen it clicked lmao...

  30. The p***s in the girl's mouth...That doesn't even make sense...

  31. well well. i guess i have a dirty mind. no surprises there =].

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