
Do you have a dog and a rabbit that likes each other???

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  1. Yes I do, it's been scientifically proven than rabbits and dogs get along very well. There is hardly ever a danger for rabbits around dogs.

  2. I have a pit bull that lays in front of the rabbit cage and protects the baby rabbits.  If a cat comes anywhere near them, he warns them away.  I can let them run around him and he'll gently nuzzle them or l**k them.  When he's outside, he spends all day watching them and laying under their cage.  He really loves the baby bunnies! And everything else....

    The bunnies go up to him curiously and seem to enjoy the attention he gives.

  3. I don't, but I've read that it happens. :)

  4. yes.

  5. My 50lb standard poodle, Chanel, absolutely adores my rabbit, Lolita. Ever since I brought her home, Chanel has loved her to death. The first few weeks Lola was home, Chanel slept by her cage every night and checked on her all day. She'll stick her nose up to the cage and Lola will l**k/sniff it and sit by her. Once, my boyfriend and I took our bunny to see his parents for about half an hour or so. When we got back, my mom informed me that Chanel had not let her eyes off the cage until we got back, and she was so happy to see her friend returned. I don't know what she's going to do when I move out and take Lolita with me...

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