
Do you have a driving rage level?

by  |  earlier

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I generally start off in the yellow before I get in the car. Then some jerk will cut me off and go slow and push me to the orange level. Then before you know it I'm in the red.

Anyone else have a driving rage level?




  1. Everybody does, no matter what they say.  However, it is how you control it that determines whether you remain a safe driver or turn into a dangerous lunatic.  I have a toy blaster with buttons for different effects like "laser blast", "cannon shot", etc.  It is extremely satisfying.

  2. Pretty much red, all the time.  Fortunately I have never been shot at, run into, beat up, ticketed, etc.  Two things helped me,

    Zoloft anf having a kid.  Everytime I get mad I think of leaving her fatherless and being angry at some jerk just doesn't matter.  By the way, for anyone reading, the left lane is for PASSING, not your own personal lane...time for my Zoloft.

  3. yeah, me too. I can not believe the way people drive here- North-East- tailgating, running red lights, no signals when changing lanes, and YIELD- for the love of Gawd- does anyone know what that sign means???

    Whew- better now - thanks

  4. yes , all the time in red if people dont drive like me . but than before i get to upset i stop and think someon else might think i caint drive either

  5. I really don't.  I'm pretty calm.  I don't bring myself down to a fool's level, because he could beat me with experience.

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