
Do you have a fake Restaurant Name?

by  |  earlier

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You know, when you put your name in for a table you give them a fake name. I usually use Testaclees or Rock. Its more fun than using your real name and, besides, a lot of people are named William. I like hearing, "Testaclees, party of 2... your table is ready....". One of the guys in my riding club uses the name "Sarah", but I think its because he actually likes to be called Sarah. What name do you use?




  1. Harry Paratestes... a distant relative of Testaclees

  2. Sometimes we use the name James.  Our last name is a tongue twister and when it is announced in a loud restaurant waiting area, sometimes almost impossible to hear.  

    I, too, thought you wanted the name of a fake restaurant.  I thought of the Crooked Duck.  Somehow the question made a picture of a duck dinner from a restaurant now closed pop into my mind.  That wasn't the name of the restaurant, but, what the hay.

    Maybe I'll use the name Duck the next time we go out.

  3. We use our own but this is a great idea!  I suppose Mike Hunt would be too obvious.....maybe we'll go with Mr. and Mrs. Sardonic.  

    I actually popped in because I misunderstood your question.  I thought you meant what would you name the fake restaurant in your head.  Not that I have a fake restaurant in my head, but I once said that if I ever opened a restaurant (which I won't so it's kind of fake) I would name it Sup Sup Sup.

    My husband thought it was funny anyway.

  4. Well, as my last name is Belcher, I don't have to use a fake one to get a giggle. And I've been accused (in my youth) of making it up.

  5. I never thought of using a fake name for a restaurant reservation. Either I'm missing something here, or you have a rather quaint hobby there, to say the least.... Mr Testaclees !! LOL :P

  6. I use Hugh Jorgan. Which isn't really lying. Some of the guys in my motorcycle club actually refer to me as this.....

    Ride Proud HD ©

  7. Mr. Meoff , First name , Jack.............

  8. When I am with the girls it's Blondes....when with the hubby it's Hot....  Hot table for 2.....right this way!   Blondes party your table is ready! Hot party your table is ready!

    My fake names are cute! You girls are haten!

  9. Coco is mine

  10. I always use Mike Hunt...

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