
Do you have a family member you cant stand

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do you have someone in your live that annoys you and makes you sick?someone who everytime they open there mouth it makes you cringe? if so how do you avoid killing them?




  1. there will always be people who you cant get along with. as the saying goes "you can never please everyone" the sad part is that you can not neglect them since they are one of your family members.

    just take a look at this way, the person who is spending too much emotions over this annoying person is none other than YOU. he doesnt know that what you are feeling and continues to annoy you! do you permit that to happen?! who's gonna take the losing part?

    just free up your mind.. make a sound decision about this situation. neglect him and find other ways to set your mind in to so that you will not have your mind focused over that annoying someone.. Its volitional whether you are willing to get affected over this person or not.

  2. When my paternal grandmother speaks I want to run screaming out the room. I have a patented method of watching television reruns in my brain while she is talking. When I laugh at the funny parts she thinks I am laughing at her. it works pretty well for me.

  3. Oh yeah. My sis when she drinks and talks so loud and obnoxious and stupid. I just walk away from her. I can't stand a drunk. Let her talk to herself or anybody who really wants to listen. NOT ME!

  4. Oh aye, me sister-in-law frequently annoys me mightily.  But 'er hubby's me brother, so I tolerates 'er, I does.

  5. Every person has one of those people in their life. You just have to learn to fight it. (And once in a while imagine their happy death.)

  6. Oh, we all do. That is the problem with relatives because you can't choose them like friends. What I do is spend limited time with that person and just be nice. My uncle embarasses me every time I see him. Says inappropriate things out in public so I avoid sitting by him at family dinners. Last time he asked if I got a boob job! (I didn't)

  7. oh yes very much especially ma sister and my cousing I hate them SO MUCH

  8. If i was Paul Mcartney i would say Heather mills

  9. yeahhhhh!!!! i just kinda grit my teeth and not listen

  10. I think everyone has one of those. The best thing you can do is avoid the person until you can find a way to deal with them in the right manner. No killing will be needed then. Good luck

  11. yes i do a couple off them i cant stand

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