
Do you have a favorite motivational saying?

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  1. The Roman Fates:  "The Fates Invite those who Will, those who Won't, they Drag"

  2. here is one for you "its good to have end to journey towards, but its the journey that matters in the end".

  3. here's mine... I wrote it...

    I can't do this...

    But I have to...

    Therefore I can.

    used it to get through a very tough time in my life. lets me know I'm strong enough to get through whatever I need to.

  4. Perfection is unattainable.  As soon as you stop reaching for it, you can concentrate on doing the best you are capable of.  

    After all, the last Perfect Person was crucified.  Think about it.

    The quote is mine and I use it constantly amid the pressures of working with psuedo perfectionists who can only find fault with what others do, and never compliment anyone.

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