
Do you have a few words to say to Michael Savage?

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He went out line, the guy is a psycho!




  1. yea i have a few words to say...

    this guy is a moron. who in their right mind would say anything like he did if he wasn't just trying to start an argument? he knew it would anger people and that's why he did it. just because he studied medicine DOES NOT make him an expert nor does it give him the right to criticize parents or their children and it sure as h**l doesn't give him the right to tell a parent how they should raise their children. If you ask me this is just another stunt that was pulled for ratings and to get a rise out of people just like that don imus person (but at least he had the decency to admit he was wrong.) this butt won't even admit that. this is just another case of some idiot thinking that he knows it all. I bet you 100 buck thats if he had an autistic child he would either have a VERY different outlook or he would have jumped off a bridge because he couldn't handle it. as far as I am concerned he should be fired and dismissed by people as just another 'thinks he knows it all idiot'..... but the best thing to remember is that opinions are like a**holes... everyone has them and they all stink! his (or even mine) is no exception!

  2. I understand what he's saying and he's dead on, for the most part.  Most diagnoses of "autism" are made by people with no experience with it, just like school personnel are notorious for diagnosing normal, healthy kids with ADHD.  I would disagree that most mis-diagnoses are with criminal intent, however, more likely just out of ignorance.

    Dr. Thomas Sowell (author, economist, columnist, formerly with the Department of Labor) has written extensively about autism and it's misdiagnosis and the unfortunate consequences.

    One of the consequences of false diagnosis is that the research done on such children is a pointless waste of limited resources and makes it that much harder to find a cure or treatment for kids that truly are autistic.

  3. I don't think it really matters "what" Michael Savage (aka Weiner) was trying  to say because the only message that came across was;

    1. Most cases of autism are a fraud (not most of the cases I know)

    2. Bad parenting is to blame (a very hurtful throwback idea from 40 years ago)

    3. Autism is a discipline problem (I could  verbally assault and beat my child with autism till she's blue... pretty sure she still won't talk)

    4. You can say whatever you want, however you want, under the protection of "freedom of speech" (I can think of at least one Dictator who started out with a good, "truth telling" speech...  I believe Jews were the subject?)

    What has the drug companies learned in all this?  Nothing.  What lesson was learned by the Dr.'s who on occasion make a wrong diagnosis?  They're human.  What have parents of children with autism learned?  The general population only cares about the things that directly affect them AND America is a cruel place to live if you are g*y, black or disabled! Mr. Weiner (that IS his name so why does he hide the facts)  is a hateful, bitter, little man who doesn't say ANYTHING for the sake of enlightenment, he's simply found a career that makes his contempt for the world justifiable.  Pathetic!

  4. That man* isn't worthy of even hearing my thoughts. What a waste of eggs & s***n.

    *Term used loosely.

  5. Why is it that people are basing opinions on what he said by completely out of context micro quotes that are literally NOT what he said?

    He was referring to children who are MISDIAGNOSED... and that doesn't just apply to autism.

    Go to-   and LISTEN TO HIM for yourself before forming an opinion. By no means do I agree with much of what he says, but he is being completely slandered here and what he said is NOT what is being reported...

    He is opposed to this notion that children who are normal, active kids who don't get discipline in the home are labeled ADHD, OCD, autistic, etc and DRUGGED by doctors who are paid by big drug companies with NO regard to the safety of the child... that is his problem. He believes in natural remedies if remedies are needed and more parental involvement.

    He NEVER belittled legitimate cases of autism. Unlike Howard Stern, for example (who we should ALL be furious with) who is continually belittling and abusing the handicap for entertainment value. HE is evil. Savage was actually right in what he said. The media is just sensationalizing misquoted portions of what he "said"...

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE listen to the source before forming your opinions on this matter!

    If he did actually say what the news is reporting, then sure, I'd be all for boycotting him and speaking against him. However, this whole thing is being twisted so sickly...

  6. Personally I was a little disgusted that he said "99% of people with autism" in his statement. I don't agree with that.

    I do however agree with what he is saying completely. Having an illness of any kind isn't a "green light" so to speak to just accept any behavior they have.

    I wouldn't consider myself "knowledgable" on the illness, but I know a little bit about it. It seems that the parents get to a point to where they just give up and allow the negative behavior rather than continue searching for a solution to it.

    My husband and I heard it on the radio in the car, we simply said..."more like 50%".

    So thats how I feel, as does my husband. He was out of line to say "99%". I don't feel he is out of line to point out a serious problem. I couldn't imagine the daily troubles of a family with a child suffereing of Autism, but I don't feel that excuses the parents just overlooking or ignore things that need to be focussed on finding a way to correct behavior.

    There are a ton of overdiagnosed things. ADD/ADHD has been reported as being misdiagnosed 70% of the time. So I can see his logic, but his tactics and choice of words were flawed. I don't know who he is, but according to other people, he seems to stir quite a bit of controversy. Anyone like that I take for face value and figure I may as well listen, because they are likely at least partially correct if they feel that strongly.

    I'd just say "more like 50%".

  7. yes      

    i wish he had to deal with the sensory issues i have to deal with each and every day.  

    I wish he had to deal with the severe bullying i went through for being different and me not being able to tell whether or not kids were being sinscere or trying to hurt me  because i couldnt read facial expressions and because I stammered.

    I wish he would feel how it is to struggle to communicate and get the words I want to say out of my  head and having to take almost an half hour just to write this post.

    I wish he would feel how it feels like to loose control of your self  due to a  meltdown because of too many sensory stimuli.

  8. I think that is the most disgusting thing I have ever read. I have no words for him because honestly he isnt worth the effort. Anybody who would openly attack special needs children is a piece of garbage. He needs to step off his pedestal and join the real world. Where parents with an autistic child spend their day caring for that child and NOT milking the system. He needs to see first hand the tremendous joys and heart ache in dealing with an autistic child. My hat goes off to those parents. And if they recieve help for their child more power to them. Its a sad day when children go without no matter what their issues.

  9. I'm probably going to take a different approach to answering your question. Please give me a chance to state my opinions on the matter as I read everyone else's requests =)

    First, I think Savage was wrong for thinking Autism is a "make believe" disease. I've known kids who've had it and frankly, it would be impossible to fake. They're teenagers who have the language abilities of a 2 year old and the attention span of a 4 year old. I agree with him that ADD and ADHD are drastically over diagnosed. People use them (sometimes) as an excuse not to parent their children and deal with their behavior. But autism isn't like that at all. It isn't a guessing game. It's heartbreaking that anyone would have to live like that, but even more saddening that someone would be so mean about it.

    However, Savage, just like all the people bashing him in this little "rant", has freedom of speech. He didn't threaten anyone. He just said what he felt about it. And if it angers people, they have two options: a.) Be mad about something they can't change,  b.) accept that he's a heartless idiot and go on with their days.

    And I felt that the reporter who wrote the article you shared with us was equally as rude in expressing her thoughts. One of the things that she mentioned was that he was wrong for thinking that it's annoying to hear kids throw tantrums in restaurants. Well, I think he's right on that one. The other customers don't know your child has autism when they're seated. It's not like autism leaves physical deformities like Downs and some others. Customers just know they're paying good money for a decent meal and pleasant dining experience and there is some kid throwing a fit in the background. We've all been there. Whether the kid has a disability or is just a brat, we didn't know, and thought, "Sheesh, I wish his parents would make him stop". But I do think Savage was wrong to say that kids with Autism shouldn't be allowed into restaurants at all. They behave too, just like every kid. And anyone who has money to spend at a restaurant should be allowed to spend it.

    I've also known autistic kids whose parents just didn't know how to handle them at all. So I think that the gov't spending money to help these parents learn how to cope/handle/raise/get by with these "special needs" children is well deserved. I mean, I'd rather my tax dollars go to a family who genuinely needs it rather than to welfare checks each month.

    Look, I don't agree with how rude and uncouth Savage was-- not one bit. But he does have the freedom of speech. And we do have the freedom to ignore him. I know I stepped on some toes here.  I'm assuming some of the people reading this are the kind of people who think their opinion is the only one that counts. Go ahead with the thumbs down. But thank you for taking time to read what I had to share.

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