
Do you have a ghost in your house?

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I used to live in another (not too old) house that had strange things that happened (it didn't even look spooky lol), and now I live in a new one and there it nothing...and it's pretty boring...




  1. When I first moved into this house, yes. My home is over 60 years old, and many people died here. I'm very sensitive to spiritual energy, so I noticed it as soon as I got near the house. There were multiple spirits, but one in particular really caught my attention; it gave me a stronger vibe.

    Being a medium, I am used to the presence of spiritual energy everywhere. But few are strong enough to be noticed even by "normal" people. Spirits linger for a reason. The more "solid" they are, the stronger the attachments and emotions are that hold them here, thus making them more noticeable.

    So in my basement, it always sounds like a small group of men are chatting when no one is actually down there. Sometimes other people hear it too, but it is so faint to them that they think they are hearing things... unless I tell them I heard it too. I remember thinking my dad was home and playing pool dow in the basement with his friends like usual, and my friend even commented on how loud they were. A few minutes later, my dad got home from work... It gets sort of confusing.

    Now the one spirit that really drew my attention, was that of the old woman. She honestly creeped me out, and I couldn't get used to her because her behaviour was so unexpected. I wouldn't see her again for months sometimes, but I could still feel her presence. And suddenly she would appear again. I smelt her before I saw her though. The smell of tobacco.

    I noticed it late one night when I came ot into the kitchen for a glass of water. I was confused at first, wondering why I could smell cigarette smoke when neither of my parents smoke. My kitchen opens into the dining room, where the table is in clear view. I saw an old woman with short curly white hair, who looked to be about mid-60s, with dull, pale blue eyes. These are her most dominant features. She continued to smoke her cigarette without seeming to notice me, yet I had the eerie sensation that she was aware of me. Surely she could see out of the corner of her eye. I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. I'm used to stuff like this I thought, and I knew she coudln't harm me and meant no harm... but it was creeping me out. And then she looked at me and a slow, thin smile curled her lips... and that was enough for me, I had to look away and get back to my room ASAP with the door closed and fully under my covers with my eyes tight shut.

    The scariest thing that happened was when I left my door partly open. It all of a sudden opened almost completely, and I at first assumed it to be wind. I had a bunch of little posters on the outside of my door. And then I saw the shape of a person hunched in front of the outside of the door, which was facing me. I thought it was the shape of the overlapping posters... but then I saw the smile... and figured it was my mom coming to check up on me like she always does... but then I saw the eyes more clearly, and realized that the hunched back wasn't a crouch... it was the way her back was... she was staring at me! Definately not my mother. And it was like she wanted to speak to me, but I was too terrified to even look in that direction or to even lift the covers off my face after realizing what I was looking at.

    Sorry if I bored you... I got a little carried away.

  2. I used to have multiple ghosts in my old house. freaky stuff would occur. but since Ive moved i think it was a more I hate being alone feeling amoungst the roomates and I and we kind of did a mass hysteria thing.

  3. yes at night and in the morning i hear things come up and down the stares i will also see these things i see them cuz I'm 1 of dem sensitive people to the spirts  

  4. no, but thanks for asking.

  5. Not in my house now, but in my family's resthouse in a town in a cliff.

    Lots of strange things, apparitions, noises, and whatnots happen there. Like, jumping tiles from a washroom, randomly opening doors, TV-channel-changing moments, etc.

    We still go there for the thrill of it.

  6. No sorrie

    hope u find sam cool Chost soon...


  7. no but i've seen a ghost

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