
Do you have a good philosophy 'before & after' story?

by Guest65699  |  earlier

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  1. errr ummmehh...Morpheus

  2. Before: Christianity seems to offer the best answers to those longing questions.

    After: You'd rather read "How to Sell More Books" by vonhiggins.

  3. Once upon a time Morpheus reigned supreme over the YA philosophy section but then along came the Randian parrot to overthrow him from his lofty domain. In prone submission does he now lie looking up to a hacking endlessly repeating parrot. No quote of Rand does the parrot not know and no thought escapes his brain that is not in the Randian lexicon. Broken is the Morpheus, his tricks mastered by an autobot of singular Randian design. Morpheus unleashed his technical knowledge to master YA to show the world his wisdom but now wisdom has been vanished by apt pupil of parrot-ness. Uh mm, maybe this isn't a good story after all...  

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