
Do you have a good self image of your body and appearance?

by  |  earlier

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Honestly, just answer honestly.... Why do you- or don't you?




  1. I wish I could grow a bit taller, but apart from that Im cool

  2. most of the time no

    but as for some days yes

  3. Honestly, I do some days, and I don't other days. But that is so normal for a woman to feel that way about her body image... You know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. and maybe a woman will feel lousy on the inside about herself, but the guy sitting across the restaurant thinks she is the most beautiful girl in the room. And vice versa, maybe a woman took tons of time and energy to dress up and feels like she is the hottest thing, and not a single guy thinks the same as what she thinks of herself...

    I'm sure I've been in both those situations...

    anyway to answer your question, I think at the present time I have a somewhat normal self image of myself. I think I have looked better at times, but that is also the kind of funk I am in right now anyway... I havent gone shopping in forever, and I know when I buy new clothes I always feel sooooo much better about myself (shallow huh?) and I also dont really do much with my hair anymore.. I used to always blow dry it and fix it up, now I just let it airdry and put it in a pony tail...

    then again my love life is none existent so that is probably the cause of my not caring so much about my looks lol

    So what do you think of your body image? :)

  4. It depends...  I can probably point out hundreds of flaws i see in myself (both physical and personality-wise). and i could totally think of many other people who are way more attractive than I am (it's not something i can change though... stupid genes!)  But I also think that I don't appear half-bad, i'm fit, and that I accept myself for who i am (almost!).  And i usually don't care about what people think of me, cause they don't have teh right to judge

    but, yeah..... It really depends

  5. Depends on the day.

  6. My image is what I make the physical become. Don't lie to yourself see something that you are not. I look good cause I take care of my body inside and out. Mind Body and Soul in harmonic balance. I love Me

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