
Do you have a hard time truely trusting people? what does it take?

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  1. I am Taurus, and yes I give 3 little test if they fail never to be trusted again very aware

    I hate people that say "you can trust me" my antennas go up and I just know "not to trust them" if they have to try and reassure me

    Love & Blessings


  2. For me, generally 3 months. They just have to be funny and optimistic. I have pretty good judgement of people

  3. Big time I admit I have trust issues...  It takes like two years and lots of observations for me to trust anyone...

  4. Oh nah. I trust people I've just met. I guess that's  a little naive though. It doesn't take long for me to put total faith into someone.

    But, I expect that person to put their trust in me as well. Kind of like a catch.

    For me, it takes the knowledge of knowing that that person is a truly kind overall person.

    Virgo Sun

    Sagittarius Rising

    Sagittarius Moon

  5. Actually, I have a hard time NOT trusting people right way.  I have learned that it isn't a good idea. lol  It is my natural inclination to trust.  A friend says it is because I expect others to have as much intergrity as I do.  I tend to see the good in people even if there is only a tiny little drop of goodness in them.  

    I have learned that there are levels of trust and that boundaries are good things.  ;)  What it takes now is time.  And I just do not loan out money any more.

    Virgo Sun/ Leo Asc

  6. I do not trust people easy, especially when it comes to money, coz I got badly cheated once by my then-very-good-friend. To trust a story or rumor I need to hear many sources.

  7. YES............I have seen many ppl lie,cheat and betray..I guess its only natural I feel this way.

  8. i do have a hard time trusting people.  seriously, people act one way and then go and change so it's hard for me to trust people.  I am trying to come to terms with that and try to trust people more, but I just get this feeling about some people and I just KNOW not to trust them.

    Usually for me to truly trust someone it takes them to show me that they are not a liar.  I have had friends over and over say one thing to me and then go back and do the opposite.  Why?  So if you do just what you say and act just like you say then I have no problem trusting.


    cancer rising

  9. It takes my guts, my heart and my own judgement to trust a person. I am a Sag and I trust quite easily..  

  10. i trust, you gotta give them a chance to prove you right or wrong. take that leap.. it can be well worth it!

    and aquarius*  

  11. I have an INCREDIBLY hard time trusting people.  I used to trust people very easily, but have been burned too many times (by those darn aries and aquarius men!) that I'm overly cautious now... I'm a cancer/moon maiden, so I wear my heart on my sleeve, and am hurt very easily... so now I have my walls up, and tend to think the worst in people... It's probably not the best way to live, but I'm tired of being hurt!

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