
Do you have a haunted house in your community?

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Or do you live near a famous one? Tell us about & if you have photos please share.




  1. There are supposed to be several haunted houses in this town...but sometimes I think the whole town is haunted. I'm pretty sure I lived in 2-4 houses that were haunted. Probably the churches are too. Weird stuff happens around here...but not as much (if any) with me since we moved off the island. Still go there to shop...but don't live there.

  2. Hi,

    Apparently, there are 2 houses in my little town that have ghosts in them. One is apparently haunted, while another is supposedly said to have a ghost that has driven out its occupants each time someone new has moved in. I haven't seen nor, KNOW where the haunted house is but I know where the second one is (well, I know WHERE but haven't actually BEEN there or SEEN it). Personally, I'd like to go in and take photos and have a look myself to confirm it... I tend to stay a skeptic until I see something myself.

    Other than these two, there are several really interesting haunted house stories I've heard of in New Zealand... we have a theatre that's haunted (Saint James Theatre), and quite recently there was a program called “Ghost Hunt” that investigated it. Apparently people have felt or heard the presence of the ghosts in there. The threatre in just in the city, about 30 mins drive away from my place. I have never been there.

    On another note, (I mean come on- Haunted Theaters are SO old) – there was a story a few years ago about a poltergeist that suddenly made itself home in a hotel or motel or something. It would throw stones at the window, and the owners originally though some naughty kids were throwing stones at the windows from outside. Apparently the poltergeist showed up after a tree was cut down (lol, maybe it lived in the tree? Lol). The ghost is gone now, after some natives preformed some kid of “go away” chant/cleansing on the hotel. The hotel is also in the city not far from here.

    Anyway – I’ll put up some links for you to check out. There aren’t many pics, but a few good stories I guess.

  3. Lived in one, had taken some pictures with tons of orbs. Moved to a new state, haven't heard any local legends yet but I'll keep my ears open.

  4. I live in an apartment on the third floor and the apartment on the second floor is haunted. The adults that have lived in the apartments nearby say that a man and his wife used to live there. The wife cheated on her husband  and was shot. Her spirit still haunts the apartment that is below where I live.  I believe that the apartment is haunted but the management is skeptical. I sometimes see shadows by the windows but no one is living there. I also hear sounds in the middle of the night coming from below but I am used to that now. It is scary sometimes because I can feel a rush of wind in the apartment. Once the management left the door open and I was about to go in, but I went to ask my friends if they would go with me. They agreed to, but by the time we were back, the door was unfortunately locked!

  5. I hear them advertised every year starting in late September.  Then the ads stop for some reason.

  6. I think mine is. either that or something has been following me all my life.sorry i can't give you any pics. but most of the houses in my area were built a while back.

  7. Not now that I moved, but i have lived in several and we've already had two families move out of our apartment building because 'our friends' as I call them have scared the h**l out of them.  *snicker* I tried not to laugh when they asked me if I had heard or noticed anything unusual. "Nnnoooo, why do you ask?" I answered.  I don't explain anymore, its just the way things are for me.

  8. There are several in my city. The city does not like to promote these though. There is a Civil War mansion in my county that has been written up in several magazines.


  9. Yes, although every house has spirits in it, some are more well known.

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